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"Daku, glad that you can join the team." Ryu smiles as he gives Daku a handshake. "I'm just glad that you all let me in." Daku hums. "So you, Genji, and (F/n), huh? Didn't think a guy like you was into that." Ryu smirks. [Imma change the fake name for (Y/n). Kitten will only be used as a nickname for her when it comes to Baji, Genji, Daku, or anyone else she's close with.] "I don't have a thing for Genji. We just agreed to share (F/n) and she's fine with it." Daku replies knowing what Ryu was implying. "Still interesting." Ryu chuckles. The two turned their heads as Maki turned on some music. She was teaching Izumi, (Y/n), and Kasumi how to dance and be quick learners when it comes to it. "I could never share my Maki." Ryu sighs dreamily as he stared at his girlfriend moving her body which aroused him in many ways. "Now copy yet improvise my dance moves." Maki smiles as she put Izumi in the spotlight. Izumi nodded and shyly danced. "You did great, Izumi! Don't be shy!" (Y/n) smiles as she encouraged her friend. Kasumi went next and did a bit better than her twin. "Nice moves, Kasumi!" Maki smiles as she high-fives the girl. Lastly, it was (Y/n)'s turn. 

She knew that Genji and Daku were watching and took that to her advantage. As she began to dance, she added a bit more spice to it. The girls began to shriek and cheer on (Y/n). The jaw-dropping moment was when she dropped to the ground and did the splits. She let her hand trace over her butt to entice Genji and Daku even more. (Y/n) laughs as she got back on her feet. "You're so good at dancing, (F/n)!" Maki smiles as she hugs her. "Not as good as you." (Y/n) giggles as she hugs Maki back. "Oi, (F/n)-Chan." Everyone looked over to see an ex-friend of Nina's. "Oh, hey." (Y/n) replies as it was a bit awkward. "The girls and I were hoping that you and your band could perform at my summer party. I'll pay you fifteen for each song." The ex-friend said as she handed the flyer to (Y/n). "Wow, um, we'll think about it. But thank you for this kind offer." (Y/n) hums. "Sure thing. If you do come, make sure you bring a swimsuit. It's a pool party, after all." The ex-friend hums and walks out of the theater room. 

"We have to go," Izumi says as she grabs (Y/n)'s shoulders. "That was a quick decision. Couldn't you have told her that when she was here?" Kasumi sighs. Izumi stuck her tongue out at her twin. "Alright, it's pool time!" Ryu cheered as he pumped his fist in the air. "Let's go shopping together after-school. I saw some cute bikinis for sale." Maki smiles. Daku and Genji froze as they began to imagine (Y/n) in a bikini. "Bikini." Genji and Daku mutter. Ryu sweatdrops as he looks at the two. 


"Have fun, Princess. Don't party too hard." Ran chuckles as he kisses the top of her head. "I won't." (Y/n) giggles. "Don't drink too much of the punch. You might not know what's in it anymore after a while." Sanzu warns. "Noted." (Y/n) nods before giving him one last hug. "Relax and get some rest while I'm gone. I'll be home by 10." (Y/n) hums as she walked over to Daku. "Hey, Kitten.~" Daku smiles as he kisses her cheek. "You look beautiful as always." (Y/n) giggles at his words. "And you look handsome as always." She kissed his cheek back before sitting behind him. "Ah, safety first." He said as he put the helmet on her head. (Y/n) gives him a small pout but quickly changes it to a smile as she wrapped her arms around him. 


"Wow, she practically invited every  2nd and 3rd year from our school." (Y/n) said as the two arrived in the backyard. "This place is huge. What the f*ck do her parents do for a living?" Daku asks as he trails his eyes from what seemed to be a never-ending backyard and pool. "How come your parents don't use their money like this?" Daku asks (Y/n). "If I ask for a pool, they'll buy a whole waterpark and name it after me." (Y/n) replies. "It'd be pretty cool though." Daku chuckles. "Daku! (Y-F/n)!" Genji calls out from a small yet fitting stage. "If I were a superhero, I would never tell him my true identity." (Y/n) says as she caught Genji's almost slip-up. Daku chuckles and held her hand. When the two got to the stage, everyone began to set up their equipment. 

"Oi! Who's ready to party?!" Nina's Ex-friend; Ami shouts as she grabs the mic. The crowd cheers in response. "Give it up for Radio Virus!!" She smiles as she hands off the mic to (Y/n). (Y/n) nods and nervously smiles. She gives one more glance at Daku before Ryu began to count down. The band began to hype up the party for a good four hours before deciding to take a break. "I need a drink." (Y/n) says as she felt her throat getting a bit dry. "I'll go get one for you." Daku hums before leaving. 

- (Y/n) POV -

"(F/n), we're going to change. Wanna come?" Izumi asks. I nodded and told Genji where I was going in case Daku came back early. Izumi, Kasumi, Maki, and I made our way to one of the bathrooms and changed out of our clothes. "(F/n)! You have a tattoo?!" Maki asks in shock. "Not just one, but three?!" She adds. "I thought you were pure and clean!" Izumi shouts. "Nice." Kasumi smirks. "Yeah, I got it a while back." (Y/n) replies with a small giggle. The four girls went out and began to go outside to find the boys. "Let's party!" Ryu shouts as he picks up Maki and jump in the pool. Izumi and Kasumi jumped in the pool and started to have fun. (Y/n), Daku, and Genji laughed and also followed in. 

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