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"That was so much fun! I can't believe that you're so good at claw machines, Genji." (Y/n) giggles as she held the cute giant stuffed cat that he won for her. "I'm just that good!" Genji grins while Daku just rolled his eyes. "And Daku, you did amazing in the basketball games!" (Y/n) compliments him. "My height just makes it easy to get more tickets," Daku smirks. "What I'm shocked about is you playing in Guitar Hero, Kitten. You grabbed that high score!" Genji smiles at her. "It's nothing, just practice is all." (Y/n) giggles. The three continued to walk until a group of street dogs came barking. (Y/n)'s eyes widen seeing what got the dogs so worked up. "K-Kei?!" The fluffy black cat looked up before jumping onto (Y/n)'s leg and climbing up to her shoulder. The dogs then barked at (Y/n) but were stopped by Daku and Genji who scared them off with a glare. "Kitten, you okay?" Daku asks in worry. She nods and hands the giant prize to him. 

"Kei, I thought I would never see you again." (Y/n) cries as she hugs the black cat. Kei purrs as he felt her warmth. "Is he your cat?" Genji asks as he wiggled his finger at Kei. Kei growled as tried to scratch Genji's finger off. "I don't own him. He's just a street cat that I usually take care of." (Y/n) then froze up a bit. She couldn't use her mother as an excuse for not keeping Kei. "I-I couldn't take him in because we just moved over here before I could ask to take Kei in." (Y/n) lied. Kei looked up at the girl. (Y/n) looked down and smiled at the feline. "But I miss visiting Kei every day after school and I'm so happy that he's here with me." (Y/n) smiles warmly as she rubs Kei's head. "Ah, but we have to take you to the vet before the pet store. I'm sure Father won't mind having you home." (Y/n) giggles. Genji and Daku followed behind her as they went to take Kei to the vet. 

/ / / 

Chifuyu turned his head as he heard the store door open. "Hello, welcome in." Chifuyu smiles at his customers. "Good afternoon." (Y/n) cheerfully replies. Daku and Genji helped her shop for Kei's needs. "Oi, Genji, I didn't know they had your twin here." Daku grins as he points at a pile of sh*t in one of the dog cages. "F*ck you." Genji frowns. "Language and behave." (Y/n) frowns at both of them. "Yes/ Sorry, Kitten." both teens replied. Kazutora chuckles at how the two teens quickly changed their attitude. (Y/n) set Kei down in front of toys for cats, but before she could ask which ones he wanted. Kei ran over to Chifuyu. "K-Kei. . .!" Chifuyu felt the cat climb to his shoulders. "Woah, hey there." Chifuyu chuckles as he takes Kei off his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. Kei doesn't usually climb onto people." (Y/n) apologizes. "It's no worry. He's a very active cat from what I can tell." Chifuyu chuckles. 

After getting all the supplies she needed and Kei's tag, Kazutora helped checked the three teens out. "Please come again soon." Chifuyu and Kazutora wave the group goodbye. "Will do!" (Y/n) smiles at them. This made the two males freeze as her smile looked so familiar. 









"Baji-San. . .?"










- (Y/n) POV -

"Bye-Bye! Get home safe you two!" I smile as I waved my two friend goodbye. I closed the door and went to my room where Kei was waiting. I fell on my bed as I grew exhausted from the eventful day. I giggled as Kei licked my nose. "A lot has happened while you were gone, but I'm. . .happier now. You may not like the people I live with, but trust me, they're good to me." I hum as I rub his head. I lay on my back and put him on my chest. "Lavender's blue.~ If you love me, dilly, dilly, I will love you.~" I sang to him a bit. That's his favorite part of the song. I yawned tiredly and went to turn off the lights and close my door. "Time for bed." I hum as my eyelids grew heavy. I got under the covers and Kei made his way in. "I got you a bed, silly cat." I giggle. He meows at me and continues to lay on my bed. "Goodnight, Kei." I kiss his head and shut my eyes. 

 - - -

- NO POV -

Bonten arrived home and saw (Y/n)'s door closed. Quietly they went up to her room and found her sleeping soundly in her bed. They each gave her a kiss on the head and whispered goodnight to her. They then left the room and quietly shut the door. Kei looked up from the covers and faced (Y/n). He licked her nose which made made her move a bit in her sleep. He then lays his head back down and went back to sleep. 

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