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"What do you think happened to (L/n)-Chan? She's been gone for a long time." One of Genji's friends said. "Who?" Another asks. "The loner. She used to sit behind Tanaka-Kun in the back. She also had a big crush on Genji. It was almost embarrassing how obvious she was." The third one says. I bite the inside of my cheek. Was it that obvious? Is that how they thought of me? "She probably moved to a new school. Probably drooling for some other guy that she's never going to talk to." The second one said. That hurts. I was about to excuse myself when I felt myself starting to cry. "Oi, don't talk sh*t about (Y/n)-Chan like that." Genji frowns. "You're on a first-name basis with her?" The first friend asks. "We basically grew up together since we both went to the same schools growing up. She was always nice and sweet to anyone that she talked to. She was just a shy person, that's all." Genji says. I was shocked that Genji remembered that we shared the same classes. I didn't think he cared about me since we didn't interact as much. "It feels strange that she's not here anymore. I probably should've talked to her more when we were kids because it feels like I've lost a childhood friend." He said as he looked at the pen I gave back to him. Genji. . .

/ / / /

"Hey, you okay? You seem a bit quiet today." Genji asks as he looks at me. "I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about." I lie to him. After he defended me this morning, I felt guilty. I got mad at him and Daku for lying to me, but I'm still the liar in our friendship. I keep wearing this mask as if it were my own skin. To hide my true identity because I don't want to go back to the life I had before. Scared that they will never forgive me for lying about who I am. I don't want to lose them because they hold a big place in my heart. "Kitten." I snap out of my thoughts as I felt Genji hold my hands. "You can always-" "WHOO!" Genji was cut off as the basketball team came running through the hallway. They pushed Genji and I felt myself fall back to the wall, though Genji protect my head as he put his hand between my head and the wall. Our school bags also landed on the ground and some of our supplies spilled out. However, that was the least of my problems for my eyes widen as I felt Genji's lips against mine. I was screaming in my head as I was kissing Genji. Genji! My long-term crush! I then heard people gasping around us and I adverted my eyes to see other students with their phones out and taking pictures. Muttering and mumbling about us. I pushed Genji away as I felt scared as everyone was staring. 

"I-I have to go!" I said as I stumbled to grab the stuff that fell out of my bag. "K-Kitten, wait!" Though I was already speed-walking away from him. I looked down as I couldn't stand but felt embarrassed of myself. I wanted to feel flustered and have butterflies in my stomach, but it was the complete opposite. I didn't deserve that kiss. No matter how much I longed to kiss Genji one day. . .I didn't deserve it. I'm still a liar. . .a coward. . .that could only run away from the person that she truly is.

- - - -

"Oh, Princess. It couldn't have been that bad." Uncle Koko said as he tried to comfort me. "It wasn't because it was bad! It's because Genji deserves better! He deserves someone else that's better than me! I want to tell him the truth, but I'm scared he might leave! That he won't look at me the same! I didn't deserve that kiss!" I cried as I looked away from him. I felt Uncle Koko rub my head to soothe me. "I used to think like that." He said. "Y-You did?" I ask as I look up at him. He nods and gives a small sad smile. "A long time ago, I made a friend. We always hung out with each other and did everything together. Though I kept a big secret from him." Uncle Koko said. I sat up and leaned next to him. "I was in love with his older sister. Granted, there was a five-year age gap between us, but that never stopped me from loving her. One day, I tried to kiss her while she was asleep, but she woke up and caught me in the act of doing so. I didn't try to play it off though and confessed my feelings toward her. But she still rejected me and I respected her reasons for it." Uncle Koko said. "Though, there was a fire. I knew the police and firemen weren't going to make it, so I ran into the burning house. The only thing on my mind was to save her. To save Akane. However, when I got out of the house. . .I realized that I saved her brother. My best friend." I stayed silent and continued to listen to him. "To put it short, I tried to gather all the money I could make to pay for her treatment to survive. Though, the way I got that money wasn't legal. I became so obsessed with money to the point that I was desperate to grab every last penny, but I was too late. I got a call from my friend one day and he told me that she passed away. Oh, how I felt so broken hearing that." I grab his hand to comfort him as his voice cracked a bit. 

"As the years passed on, I was blind on how obsessed I was with Akane. To the point that I kept seeing her in her brother. The two always looked alike, but she was much prettier. Still, I did something I regretted. He was there sleeping. . .the look of peace resembled to one she had when asleep. I kissed him as he sat there asleep and once I pulled away. . .all I could do was cry and think of her. I felt guilty and ashamed that I kept seeing her in him. Only thinking that he needed me to revive the Black Dragon gang to replace the sick thought in my head. Later on, when we were on opposite sides of a fight, he confronted me. He shouted at me to make clear that he was Seishu. . .not Akane. I was scared to tell him the truth. Scared that he might leave me, but he still fought to make amends between us. To bring me back to his side and still be friends. It felt comforting to know that, but in the end we still went our separate ways." Uncle Koko said. I held him close and shared each other's embrace. "When you feel like the time is right. You can tell them, (Y/n). I'm sure they would understand if you told them the truth." He said. I hum at his words and closed my eyes. 

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