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- Mikey POV -

I began to pace back and forth as (Y/n) wasn't home. Daku and Genji weren't with her. None of the bodyguards have seen her around Draken's or Chifuyu's shop. Where could she have gone? Did someone take her? We would've gotten a call if she was held hostage if there was a traitor. Did she get hurt?! Killed?! "I'm home!" I snapped my head towards the entrance and we all rushed to the door. "Where were you?! Why didn't you call?! You're supposed to tell us where you're at! What if something happened to you?!" I shouted at her. I wasn't mad at her, I was mad at myself for not sending at least someone to follow her. To protect her when I'm not there. "I'm sorry, Dad. My phone died and I got a bit lost. I accidentally tripped and hurt myself so I was a bit slow to get home. I'm sorry." She apologizes and looks down. I was sadden seeing her hurt. "It's okay. Let's get you fixed up." I told her. I looked at Sanzu and he nodded before picking her up so she wouldn't be in pain. I looked down as I felt something on my leg. I thought it was Kei, but there were three more cats with him. "She's a cat magnet." Ran chuckles as he looked down at the white cat walking near him. 

I hum before going to (Y/n)'s room. Sanzu was collecting her clothes for her to change into. "She's taking a bath to soothe the pain. Besides her knees and a few scratches on her arms, there's nothing that hurt her too badly." Sanzu informs. "Good," I reply as I sat down on her bed. I sat there in silence and I noticed Sanzu's stare. "What?" I ask him. He shook his head and sighs softly. "You're becoming a worried father. It reminds me of back then when everything was. . .good." He says as he sat down next to me. Despite being an energetic teen back then, I was always careful and cautious with (Y/n) when she was a baby. Baji and I grew up together, so when she was born. . .she was like another sister to me. I wanted to watch her grow and teach her my amazing delinquent ways but. . ."It wasn't fair. The world took her away from me in another way. I missed her growing up. Things could've been different if only. . .if only I just went back to see her." I sadden. "Mikey, she isn't that old yet. She still needs us. She still needs you. (Y/n) is safe and protected because she's back with you. I regretted not liking her at first, but that was because I didn't know. Though, she has to know the truth sooner or later. She's not a Sanzu nor is she an (L/n). She's a Baji. I sat there silently. "Father, can I have my clothes?" (Y/n) asks as she opens the bathroom door a bit. "Yeah, tell me when you're done," Sanzu tells her. She hums and I caught her staring through the cracked door. She looked distraught.

"Alright, just rest for the rest of the night. We'll talk about the new rules of when you're outside, so this won't happen again." Sanzu says before kissing the top of her head. We were about to leave, but (Y/n) called out to me. "Dad, can you sleep here tonight?" She asks. "Yeah," I hum before saying goodnight to Sanzu. I closed her door and climbed onto her bed. Kei and the other two cats were already sleeping. The white one was with Kakucho from the last time I saw him. "Is it true?" She asks. Guess it this was happening now. "You knew Keisuke and me?" She asks as she looks up at me. "Yes, I grew up with Baji and I watched you grow a bit," I reply. "Why did he die?" I took a moment to find the right words for her. "He needed to save a friend and he took his own life so I wouldn't kill anyone," I said as I pulled her close. "I felt broken for a while after his death. I wanted to come back to you, but I was scared that I might not have found the words to tell you. Scared that you'll blame me for not protecting him. Scared that I might not be able to protect you." I said as I held her hand. She sat there silently and holds me tight. "I don't blame you. Keisuke did what was best for everyone. . .even if that meant him leaving forever. Even if I couldn't get my wish to see him, I was still able to be with you again. I still love you, Dad." She says. I began to cry a bit. "I love you too, (Y/n)," I reply before we fell asleep and it was the best sleep that I had in a long while.

. . . .

- (Y/n) POV -

"How about snowball?" I ask as I picked up the white cat. He hissed at the name. "Why are cats so picky with their names?" I slightly pout. "Cotton?" I suggest next. He hisses more at that. "Fine, then what name do you want?" I ask. I knew he couldn't reply, but he seemed to be a smart cat like Kei. "A...B...C...D...E...F...G...H...I-" He pats my face with his paw. My eyes widen at his reaction. "Okay, so I is the first letter." I kept singing the alphabet and stopped at each letter he patted my face. I continued to do so until he hissed at me to stop. "I...Z...A..N..A. . .Izana?" I ask. He purrs and licks the back of my hand. "Odd and specific name that you wanted, but I think it fits you." I hum as I pet him. To be honest, I'm still a little freaked out about how well he understood me. Maybe he's a reincarnation of someone. . .? Freaky. . .

I went to my other two cats and did the same for them. The result was Izana, Shin, and Emma. Off the bat, Emma was a very bubbly cat and I couldn't help but adore her. Izana seems a bit closed off and distant for the time being. Shin is a very affectionate and chill cat. I find him very cute and such a gentleman. "Later on, I'll have to go buy more beds, collars, and food bowls," I said to myself as I got up and made a list of things I needed.

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