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"Oi, kid." (Y/n) shook her head as she was still sleeping. She didn't want to wake up. She felt warm and safe underneath the sheets. "Wake up." The voice said a bit louder and annoyed. "Too early. . ." She groaned and deepen herself more into the warm sheets. "Wake up!" The male voice shouts at her. Which caused (Y/n) to scream and jump up. Unfortunately, Sanzu was looking down at her and they both collided foreheads harshly. Making them both fall in pain. Ran began to laugh at the scene, mostly to laugh at Sanzu's pain. "Shut up, Ran! I'll kill you!" Sanzu threatened as he sat up. He rubbed his head in hopes the pain will go away faster. "Why was your skull so hard?!" (Y/n) cried as she sat up. "It's because he's dense. His brain shrunk by him taking so many drugs." Ran said with a cheeky grin. "Ran!!" Sanzu shouts and Ran ran away. Sanzu got up and continued to rub his head. "Hurry your a** up and get breakfast." He said angrily and annoyed. 

- (Y/n) POV -

I peeked my head around the corner to see if I was in the right room. I saw Mikey-San and the others sitting at the table eating breakfast. I felt paranoid as all their eyes were on me. I felt stiff as a rock as I made my way to the empty chair. I was on the other end from Mikey-San. A male with his hair in a slicked-back mullet in the colors of black and blond. He also has a prominent scar that runs vertically down the right side of his face. He sat on my left. The male on my right has shoulder-length white hair. I felt uncomfortable. Thankfully, a kind woman served my breakfast. It might've been the first time anyone made breakfast for me. "Thank you so much." I smile kindly at her. She nods and gives a small smile back. It was too bad that her visit was short as she quickly walked back into the kitchen. I couldn't blame her, these guys were scary and I had to face them alone. 

I looked down at my plate and thanked for my food. I began to eat and wondered how mother and father were doing. I hope they ate a good breakfast. Did they even care if I was missing? "(Y/n)." I shot my head up as I heard Mikey-San call my name. "Y-Yes?" "You'll be going out with Kokonoi. He will pay for all the clothes and items you need. When you come back, a hairstylist will be here to change your look. Understood?" Mikey asks. "U-Uh, y-yes," I reply. He nodded and took a bite from his taiyaki. Isn't it too early for sweets? I thought to myself. 

/ / /

It was a bit awkward as me and Kokonoi-San walked through the stores. I found a store that I really wanted to buy my clothes from. I walked back to him as I picked out five outfits. "I think those should satisfy me." I hum. "You're only getting five outfits?" He asks. I looked at him. "Are you allowing me to buy more clothes?" I ask him. Mom didn't allow me to shop a lot for clothes. I was always stuck with five pairs of clothes besides my school uniform. I also had to wear the same shoes until they didn't fit anymore. "Get as many as you want. Just as long as we can fit it in the car." He said. 

- Koko POV -

I looked at the kid and before I knew it she started crying. "W-Why the hell are you crying?" I hiss at her. I didn't want her to make a scene. "I'm sorry. It's just. . .I never got to be spoil. I was just grateful for the things I had even if it was limited. It feels unnatural." She said as she wiped her tears away. It was no doubt that this girl was pure at heart. Just by looking at her was enough to tell you that she has a heart of gold. I patted her head to comfort her, but it felt awkward to do so. I barely knew the kid. "There, there. . ." I said. She looks up at me with her eyes closed in joy. "Thank you, Kokonoi-San." She hums. I nodded and she went off to find more clothes. I let her have her privacy when she went to buy undergarments for herself. I chuckled a bit that she said that she was glad she was shopping with me and not Ran. I'm sure he was going to stay as the pervert for her for the time being. 

After buying her shoes and etc., we headed out of the mall. I noticed her stop on our way out. I trailed down her gaze to see her watching a boy with his friends. He seemed to stick out due to his unique green eyes. "C'mon, we have to go back." I said, snapping her out of her daze. She nods and quickly speeds up next to me. We didn't talk on our ride back to the base. 

- - -

- NO POV -

(Y/n) undid her once neat bun and let her hair drop. Some of the members had their eyes widen seeing how much hair she had. It was down to her ankles. "When was the last time you got a haircut, Kid?" Ran asked. "I don't know. I usually cut the ends to keep it at my ankles. Mother never let me cut my hair short. She said it was improper and wouldn't look right on me." (Y/n) said as she twirled a strand of hair. "Well, how do you want your hair to look?" Mikey asks. (Y/n) had an idea. Before she could see herself, Mikey wanted her hair to be dyed. He chose deep blue for her. The color was underneath her locks and two cascading pieces that fell perfectly on her face. 

Her eyes widen in surprise and joy as she saw her new look. She turns her head at Mikey. "I look like a different person." She gives him a closed-eyed smile. Mikey stared at her. 








Why does that smile look so familiar?

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