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Bonten heard (Y/n) laugh in the other room. Daku and her were eating after singing a few songs. To be honest, the two were a good pair. Their voices blended well with one another. "Sanzu, stop spying on them," Takeomi says. "Shut it. I don't trust him with her alone." Sanzu frowns. "Looks who's being a worried father." Ran teases. Sanzu glares at him. "Leave them be. She's having fun." Koko says. Sanzu sat down as he heard (Y/n) giggle a little more at whatever Daku was telling her. "If he touches her-" "Nothing is going to happen to her when we're around. Stop worrying." Mikey says and Sanzu shut his mouth. 

"Are you a bit nervous about the competition?" Daku asks (Y/n). "A bit. I've never performed in front of a crowd. I was lucky enough to hold it together when I performed in front of the choir and band. The piano calms my nerves." (Y/n) says. Daku gently smiles at her before giving a small sigh. "Yeah, sometimes it's hard to go up there and perform to strangers. But at least this time I won't hate going up there." Daku said. (Y/n) raised a brow. "What do you mean?" she asks. "Oh, I just mean that I don't mind performing with you. Nina was a hassle and always wanted to steal the show. However, her voice gets scratchy when she's trying too hard and I have to clean up after her. That girl can be so annoying." Daku grunts. "Yeah. . .Nina's not very nice." (Y/n) glooms a bit as she remembered the time Nina tormented her. Daku noticed her expression. "Did Nina say or do something to you?" His tone turned angry yet worried at the same time. "A-Ah, no. Though I get the hint that she doesn't like me very much. I think it's because I'm around Genji sometimes." (Y/n) nervously chuckles. 

Daku frowned as (Y/n) mentioned Genji. "Stay away from him. Nothing comes out good when it comes to him." Daku said. Before (Y/n) could question his words, Daku got up from his seat. "It's late. My dad's going to be p*ssed if I'm not at home in the morning." He said. "O-Oh. . .alright. Let me walk you out." (Y/n) said as she stood up. Daku walked up to the group of criminals who were still in the other room. Daku bowed at them. "Thank you for letting me be here tonight. I hope I am welcomed again next time." He said. "Any time as long you keep my daughter happy," Mikey said. Daku hums and walked to the door. "Thank you again for the food. I think I found my new favorite place." (Y/n) smiles at him. Daku smiles back. "That's great to hear. Goodnight, Kitten." Daku replies. "Goodnight and drive home safe, Daku." 


What did he mean that nothing comes out good with Genji? Is Genji secretly mean and a bully? No. . .it can't be. Genji is kind and sweet. . .is it all a lie? (Y/n) groans and tosses to the other side of her bed. "Why are boys so complicated." she sighs. 


"Good morning, Kitten." Genji smiles at her. "A-Ah, good morning, Genji." (Y/n) smiles but her smile slightly falters as she remembered what Daku said. Genji notices her expression. "What's wrong?" He asks her. "O-Oh, it's nothing. Just a bit tired is all." She nervously smiles. Genji hummed but wasn't satisfied with her response. Walking to their class, (Y/n) spotted Daku. "Morning, Daku!" She smiles happily at him. Daku gives her a brief smile, but frowns as he saw Genji. Genji gave no expression when he met eyes with Daku. (Y/n) felt the tension between the two as they just stared. She tugs Genji's shirt to snap him out of his staring contest with Daku. "Let's not be late." She said. Genji smiles brightly and nods. A full 180. (Y/n) thought. 

As they sat down in class, (Y/n) couldn't shake the thought of Daku and Genji's relationship. They were friends since childhood. They even hung out last year in middle school. Are they not friends anymore. "Something on your mind?" Genji's voice snapped her out of her train of thought. "U-Umm. . .are you and Daku not. . ." She needed to sound like she didn't know their relationship back then. "On good terms?" She finishes. His face kept a smile, but his eyes told a different story. "We were last year until summer break." Genji said. Summer break? That's when Nina and Genji got together. Did Daku like Nina and thought Genji betrayed him because he got with her? No. . .Daku doesn't like Nina. (Y/n) thought as she remembered that Daku called Nina annoying and his expression said it all when he talked about her. "Oh. . .what happened. . .I-if you don't mind me asking!" Genji chuckles at her panic state. "It's fine. It was nothing more than just an argument. Some words were said and couldn't take back. In the end, we just ended our friendship and moved on with life." Genji said. (Y/n) grew curious about what the argument was about. The bell rung and thought it was good to put the stop to her curiosity. Though, the thought of Daku telling her to stay away from Genji still racked her brain. 

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