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- Kakucho POV -

"It already has our numbers so you can contact us. Make sure you have it at all times." I told (Y/n) as she finally got her first phone. She nods her head. "When out in public, you mustn't say our real names. Uncle or father would be appropriate to use." I added. She nods her head again. The car stops as we arrived at the bookstore. I was dropping her off since none of the members could look after her, but Mikey let her have freedom outside the mansion. "I'll be back here to pick you up in two hours. Here's your card and do not lose it." I said. She nods and began to step out of the car. "(Y/n)." She turns her head. "Yes, Kaku-San?" She asks innocently. "Be safe." I was worried for her since this was her first time out without any of us. "I will, Kaku-San." She smiles and walks out of the car. I nodded and she closes the door. 

- (Y/n) POV -

I walked into the bookstore in hopes to find something to keep me busy if I don't feel like going out. I picked out a few books from my favorite genres. My eyes then landed on a book about motorcycles. I've been interested in motorbikes because I remembered a faint memory of my brother having a motorcycle. I went to grab it, but another hand came into view and touched mine. "I'm sorry." My eyes widen as I heard his voice. I looked at his beautiful green eyes that I fell hard for. He stares back at me and I felt my face heat up a bit. "U-Uh, y-you can have it." I stutter as I handed the book to him. He shook his head. "No, you saw it first. You can have it." He smiles as he nudges it back to me. I shook my head. "No, I insist. You can have it." I hand it back to him. 

We went back and forth a bit until I finally stifled a chuckle. We both shared a laugh before calming down. "How about this? You can have the book and when we see each other again then you can give me the book." He suggests. He. . .He wants to see me again. "Deal." I giggle like an idiot for a second. "Alright, until I see you next time. . ." He held out his hand. "Kitten. Sanzu Kitten." I hum. "Genji. Hamada Genji." He smiles as he shakes my hand. "Bye, Kitten-Chan." I nod and waved bye as he began to walk away. Though he was still looking at me. "H-Hey! Watch-" He hit his head on the bookshelf. I cover my giggle as he tries to play it off. He waves goodbye again and walks away from my view. I hug my books and bite my lip while smiling. 

I bought my books and kept smiling. As I walked out of the shop, I checked the time. "Still have two and half hours left." I sigh a bit. I shook my head as I wanted to keep my happy attitude. I walked two blocks from the bookshop to see where I can pass time. Finally, I spotted a bakery shop. I have been craving something sweet. I might get something for everyone while I'm here. I hummed a small tune and walked into the bakery. "Hello, what can I get you?" the worker asks me as I walk to the counter. She began to take my order. 

"Thank you so much." I smile as I wave bye at her. I was heading back to the bookstore since Kaku-San told me not to wander off too far from here. "Hey!" I jump as someone wrapped their arm around me. "What too you so long, sugar?" This guy was older and smelled like smoke. "I-I'm sorry. You have the wrong person." I said as I got off his grip. I tried walking faster, but he grips my wrist. "What do you mean, sugar? I think I know my favorite type of candy." I began to tremble as his hand slid down on my butt. "Oi!" A male shouted. We turned our heads to see a tall guy with black hair. He had a dragon tattoo on his temple. "Get your hands off of her." He snaps at the stranger. "Hah? She's my girlfriend, so why don't you mind your business." The stranger said. "Do you know him, miss?" The dragon tattoo male asks. I shook my head immediately and I gave him pleading eyes for help. "Thought so. Take your hands of her and get out of here." He glares at the stranger. "Or what?" The stranger spat. The man grabs his collar and lifts him off the ground a bit. "You don't want to know what's going to happen." "Fine! Let me go, man!" The stranger was put down and he ran to the other side of the street. 

"Are you okay, miss?" The man asks me. I nodded and bowed. "Thank you for helping me. I'm not skilled on defending myself yet, so I appreciate your help very much." I said. "It's no problem." He smiles kindly. "If you want, you can come to my shop for a while you call someone can pick you up." He offers. "I-If it's not much trouble." I reply. "Not at all." He replies. I smile and followed him to his shop. "I never got your name, kind stranger." I said as I look at him. "Ryuguji Ken, but you can call me Draken." He introduces himself. "You can just call me Kitten." I smile brightly at him. He smiles back at me. 

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