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"Why are you even here?"

"You're just another mouth to feed."

"You're so ugly."

"I highly doubt that anyone would love you."

"Get away from me. Can't you see I'm busy?" 

"I have to work almost every day because of you."

"Why don't you just die?"

My body jolted in shock as I finally woke up. I tried my hands or feet, but I felt tied down. Why can't I move? My head hurts. What happened? Am I having sleep paralysis? I blinked a couple of times before I took in my surroundings. Eyes wide open now, I shifted my head in different directions. My wrists and ankles were tied to the chair I was sitting on. Suddenly, flashbacks of my kidnapping came rushing into my head. What did I get myself into?! I let Kei's courageous actions go to waste! I'm going to die, aren't I?! Maybe worse before I die by that murderer!

Stop it! You've watched many action and horror movies in the past where the main character is in this position! I just need to fall hard enough to break the chair! I shifted back and forth on the chair to gain some momentum. Please work! I felt the chair fall back, but all I got in return was a pain in my head. "Movies are a lie!" I cried out. I then heard the door open and I panicked more. Did I set myself to die quicker by trying to escape?! Just then a group of men looked down at me. I stared at them with fear and kept silent. That was until a man with short purple hair looked down where my panties were showing. "P-Pervert!" I shouted at him. I wanted to kick him, but my ankle was still tied to the chair. The male with a purple mullet looked at the male that was staring. "You're gross, Aniki." He said. "Shut it! I wasn't thinking anything!" He said as he turned away. I felt the chair being lifted back up. I turned my head to see a male with a scar running on the right side of his face. 

Scary. There were at least eight of them in the room. All of them have a scary appearance of their own. I want to go home. . .and use the bathroom. "I'd say we just kill her. She doesn't seem that important." The purple mullet man said. I should be used to hearing that. I was often told that I wasn't important and was better off dead. It still hurts. I don't see myself getting out of this with such ease. They probably wouldn't trust me if I got out of their hair knowing that I just witnessed a murder. Mom would work less. . .dad would probably talk more. . .hopefully Nina would be a little nicer. Maybe the world would be better without me. . .though poor Kei would be alone. I hope he finds a good owner. 

I jolted from my thoughts as I felt the cold gun barrel on my head. I guess this is goodbye to everything. I looked at the rosy-pink-haired man that held the gun to my head. 

- NO POV -

Mikey looked at her and saw her expression. She had no expression, but the fear was well said by her eyes. She didn't cry, scream, or even beg for her life. She just sat there and took whatever was coming to her. "Untie her." He ordered. His comrades looked at him in shock. Even (Y/n) was in shock. "Mikey, you can't be" Sanzu tried to talk, but was cut off by Mikey's cold stare. "I said untie her." He said with a stern tone. Sanzu nodded and began to untie (Y/n). She rubs her wrists as they were red from how tight the restraints were. She looks at Mikey as he walked up to her. "Follow me." That was all he said before turning away. Quickly getting up and not wanting to be in the same room with the seven scary men, she walked out of the room. 

"What's your name?" Mikey asks as she finally caught up to him. "(Y-Y/n). . .(L/n) (Y/n)." She responded in an almost quiet tone. "How old are you?" He asks next. "Sixteen." He looks at her before turning his head straight. "You're short." He says. (Y/n) didn't like to be called short. She knew she was and didn't need to be reminded of it. "I'm not short. I'm average height." She pouts as she crosses her arm. Mikey would chuckle, but that was the old Mikey. . ."Do you have parents?" He continues his line of questions. "Yes. I have a mother and a father." She replied. "Do they love you?" (Y/n) flinched at his words. It felt like a stab to the heart. "No. . ." She knew the answer all too quickly. Because she knew the reality of how her parents felt about her. Another mouth to feed. A reason to work longer hours. Something that always needed attention. 

"Then it's settled, you'll be staying with us." Mikey stopped in front of a bedroom door. "H-Huh?" (Y/n) looked at him in bewilderment. "We might have to change your appearance and maybe give you a different name in public. Even if no one cares about you being missing, we can't risk getting caught." Mikey said. Mikey was about to walk away until (Y/n) spoke again. "Surely there has to be another option. No one is going to know. I won't say a thing." She said. She didn't want to stay here. She would be living under the same roof as murderers and criminals. Mikey turned his head a bit. "Do you really want to go back to the life you came from? Where no one cared to give you a single glance? Where your parents can just suddenly throw you away if they had enough of you?" It made her cringe at how much he was on point, even though he barely knew her life. 

"It's either you stay and do as we say or we simply kill you off. You're choice." Mikey then walked away from her, leaving (Y/n) distraught. Maybe he's right. . .why would I go back to a world that didn't love me back? I know Kei would love me in any world, but I hardly doubt I would ever see him again. My poor little biting fur ball. 

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