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I was practicing with the band after-school, but Izumi made us stop. "Sorry, but I feel like we're missing something here." She sighs. "Like what?" Genji asks. "Kitten-Chan needs to move more and be more upbeat." Kasumi bluntly said. "O-Oh, I'm sorry." I apologize. Despite singing loudly, I did stand still like I was still part of a choir. "I'm not much of a dancer, so I don't know how to move," I added. "It's no problem! My girlfriend is the captain of the Dance Club, so she can help you out!" Ryu smiles as he held a thumbs up. "Finally, you used your brain for something useful." Kasumi rolls her eyes. "Oi, I had useful ideas in the past!" Ryu frowns. I giggle at the scene. "Alright, Ryu, can you see if your girlfriend is free to help Kitten-Chan?" Genji asks as he broke up the fight. "Yeah, no problem!" Ryu went back to smiling and ran to go find his girlfriend. "Kasumi and I are going to get some drinks. We'll be back." Izumi said as she pulled her twin along. 

"But don't we have drinks already?" I quietly question as I looked at my water bottle. I look back at Genji and I noticed that he looked. . .off. I always want to know what's on his mind since it bothered me when he isn't his usual self. "You okay?" I ask him. He looks up at me and nods. "Yeah, sorry. I just zoned out for a minute." He said. I wanted to poke further, but at the same time. . .I didn't know what to say. "Hey, want to grab some Boba or grab something to eat after this?" He asks. "Just the two of us?" He adds. "Yeah, sure." I hum at his request. "Let me text my family and Daku that I'll be with you," I said as I pulled out my phone. "Is there a place that you would. . ." I paused as Genji silently got closer to me. His face inches from mine. My heart began to race from how close he was standing and the look he held in his green eyes. "Great, it's a date then." He smiles as he rests one of his hands against my cheek. I closed my eyes and blushed heavily as he then dived in for a kiss. 

My heartbeat was pounding in my ears as pulled me closer and kept kissing me. It was a dream come true. I wanted this moment to last forever as I felt warmth and care from his kiss. We both then jump as we heard the band doors close. I was now blushing in embarrassment as Ryu and his girlfriend were in the room. "Sorry for interrupting." Ryu's girlfriend apologizes. "I-It's fine. . ." I meekly respond. Ryu's girlfriend walked up to me while Genji pulled Ryu aside. "My name is Saito Maki, but you can just call me Maki." Maki-Chan smiles. "Just call me Kitten." I smile back at her. "Oh, okay. Is that a nickname or something?" She asks. "U-Uh, no. That's my name but it does sound kinda weird to be a first name." I chuckle nervously. "I didn't mean to offend you. Kitten is a nice name." Maki smiles. "It's alright. My parents aren't the best at picking cool names. Mostly my dad." I chuckle. Dad was always bad at picking names for things back then. Everyone hated the name he picked out for his first gang from what Keisuke told me at one point. 

Maki then began to show me how to dance a bit while singing. It wasn't a lot to make me lose my breath. I was mostly moving my hands and hips a bit. I did take small steps from side to side. "Awesome! You're a fast learner, (Y/n)-Chan!" Maki praises me. "Well I can't take all the credit, you're a good teacher. Thank you again for using your time to teach me how to dance a bit on stage." I thanked her. "It's no problem. If you need my help, just send Ryu my way and I'll come by." Maki hums. I nodded and thanked her once more before everyone started to leave. "Ready?" Genji asks as he already had his bag ready. I hummed and followed him out of the school. I then got on his bike and held onto him. "So where are we going?" I ask. "It's a surprise." He smiles. 

/ / / /

- NO POV -

"Be careful with me now." (Y/n) laughs as Genji blindfolded her. "I wouldn't dare to let you get hurt. It would be such a crime." Genji laughs with her. "We're going up some stairs. Let's take it slow." Genji warns her as he eased her up the stairs. "Stairs? Now I have no idea where we are." (Y/n) says. Once the two made it to the top, Genji stood her still and took off her blindfold. "I hope you like it." He hums as he let her see what he had planned for her. (Y/n)'s eyes widen and she gasped seeing the beautiful scene in front of her. There stood a table for the two of them to sit at with food and romantic lights around the balcony. There was also an empty vase in the middle of the table. "Genji. . .I. . ." She turned her head to look at him but was met by him holding a single rose. "You don't need to say anything. Your expression is all I need to see." He hums as he grabs her hand. "I know it's a bit fancy, but I wanted this to be memorable." Genji smiles as he sat her down. He looks off to the side for a moment to see her bodyguard near the exit door. He saw him ever since they drove away from school. He understood the protection that she needed, but hoped to have a bit more privacy with her. 

He turned his attention back to her and sat next to her. "Let's eat, shall we?" He asks after placing her rose in the vase. 

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