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"Did you all know that their fathers were part of a criminal organization?" I ask Dad and the others on the car ride home. "Yes, they work under us," Dad answered me. I bite the inside of my cheek as I took in this information. Just with this information, I couldn't help but think the worst. "Did you plan this? Did you make them become my friends?" I ask. "No, of course not. They came to you, (Y/n). We would never threaten or pay anyone to be your friend." Uncle Rindo said as he patted my head. I rested my head on his shoulder as I thought more. Why didn't they tell me? They should've known who Bonten was since both their fathers work under Bonten. I was beyond confused and wondered what they wanted to tell me before they fought. I want to go to sleep right now.

. . . .

I played the piano since it was lunchtime. Daku wasn't in here and I didn't see Genji with his friends. I could only think that they stayed home to have some space. I sigh heavily and paused for a moment. "Kitten." I looked up and saw Daku and Genji. Both seemed to have some sort of injury on their faces. I stood up and ran over to them. "What happened to you two?! Did you two fight again?!" I ask in worry but also a bit of anger. The two looked away from me as they refused to answer my questions. I grabbed both their hands and pulled them to the nurse's office. The nurse wasn't there, but that was fine since we had some privacy to talk. "I want answers so start talking." I frown at them before getting the supplies I need to treat their wounds. Daku sighs heavily before speaking. "We didn't fight. It was just punishment from our fathers." My eyes widen at the information. Was it because of last night for fighting in front of me? "That's horrible. They shouldn't be hurting you." I said I treated Daku first since he had more injuries than Genji. "That's just how it is when you're raised under Yakuza." Genji hums as he looks down at his lap. 

The room went silent for a moment until I broke it. "Did you two know when I started here? That I was part of Bonten?" I ask. The two of them silently nodded. "Only Daku, Nina, and I know since our parents work under yours," Genji replies. I moved to Genji as it was his turn to get fixed up. "Did. . .Did your fathers tell you to become friends with me just because I'm Bonten's daughter?" I ask them seriously. "No, of course not, Kitten." Genji immediately responded. "I wouldn't do what my dad tells me to do even if he kept telling me. I became your friend because I wanted to." Daku says. "Our friendship is real." Genji hums. I felt a bit of weight come off my shoulders. "That's good to hear." I smile at them. A thought then came back to me. "Oh, and one more thing. What did you two want to tell me last night? You both seemed eager to tell me since you two kept fighting." I said. "It was just about our dads." The two said in unison. I raised a brow at them. Something tells me that it wasn't just that. But before I could question them more, the class bell rang. The three of us stood up and we walked out to go to class together. 

- - - - -

"Kitten-Chan!" I stopped my footing and turned my head to see Izumi and Kasumi. Both are identical twins but have different personalities to make it easier to tell the two apart. They were also my backup singers. "Oh, hello Izumi and Kasumi-Chan." I smile at the two. "Have you seen Genji? He was supposed to tell you something very important." Izumi says. "Yeah, I've seen him but he didn't tell me anything." I reply. "That dumba**." Kasumi frowns. "He was supposed to ask you if you wanted to join our band. Ever since Nina and him broke up, we don't have a lead singer. The band and I were thinking if you could replace Nina since you sing better than her." Kasumi adds. I was surprised to hear that Genji was part of a band. Not once has he mentioned that he was part of a band. "Oh, I didn't know you two and Genji were in a band." I said. "Yeah, we kinda went quiet ever since Genji and Nina started to fight. Eventually, it lead them to break up and we've been trying to find a new singer. We didn't want to ask you right away because we didn't want to pressure you to join. Along with not knowing if you could be okay with on performing in front of others. But after last night's amazing performance that you and Daku did, we knew you were the right fit." Izumi smiles.

I smile back at her. "Thank you and you two did amazing as well. As for your offer. . ." I thought for a moment. Singing is what I love and want to do for my life. "I would love to be part of your band." I hum. "Awesome! Here's our numbers and once you text either one of us we'll put you the chat room. We just mostly inform each other about gigs we get or where to hang to practice." Izumi smiles as she hands me their numbers. I nodded and said goodbye to them as we went our separate ways.

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