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I sigh as I and Daku walked out of the school. "You alright?" Daku asks me. "I'm fine, I'm just mentally tired," I reply. Daku chuckles a bit at her words. "Yeah, school can do that to you." He replies. I smile softly at him, but my expression changed as I felt something cold spill on me. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" It was Nina. "I wasn't paying attention and it felt like you just came out of nowhere," she adds. "I-It's fine," I reply and I wiped off as much of the cold water on my shirt. "Don't be a b*tch, Nina. Leave her alone." Daku says as pulls me away from Nina. "Hey! Don't be rude, Daku! I apologized didn't I?!" Nina fusses. Daku rolled his eyes at her. "I can see through your plastic lies just like your tits, b*tch." Daku frowns at her. Nina looked furious at Daku. "What did you say?!" She shouts. I tried to pull Daku away, but given his and my figure. . .he was going to win. "What's happening over here?" Genji's voice was heard as he came from behind. 

"Your b*tch of a girlfriend spilled cold water on Kitten. She claims that it was an accident, but I know that it's a bullsh*t lie." Daku informs Genji, but he also glared at him. "Oi, watch how you speak about my girlfriend, a**hole." Genji's tone darkens and glares back at Daku. "Make me, short a**." Both males got close and I could only assume the worst outcome. I grab Daku's arm and try my hardest to pull him away from Genji. "D-Daku, it's okay. Really. The water is already drying up." I told him. He looks at me and his eyes soften. Though my eyes widen as Genji punched Daku across the face. "F*cking Jacka**!" Daku shouts as he attacked Genji. "D-Daku! G-Genji! Stop!" I shout at the two as I tried to find a way to pull them apart. Nina did nothing but let out pathetic cries. "B-Both of you stop!" I cried out as their faces became bloody. The two did stop and looked at me. I grabbed Daku's hand and dragged him away. Tears fell from my cheeks, but I was mad and sad at both of them. 

"Wait here," I ordered Daku as we arrived at a convenience store. He obeyed and I walked into the store. I thought I could be friends with them. . .I thought that maybe the argument they had back then wasn't so bad. Though, it's worse than I thought. They weren't just fighting. . .they were trying to kill each other at that moment. I walked out of the store and grabbed Daku's hand again. I dragged him to a park so we can sit. 

"Kitten-" I cut him off. "You're a dummy," I said to him. "You should've just let it go. You didn't have to make things worse. Nina's mean and I know that she'll always be mean. I don't care how badly she treats me, because I have you, my family, and Genji to make me happy at the end of the day. There's no reason to lose your temper, dummy." I told him. I began to patch and clean his face. He then caught me by surprise as he grabs my hand. "I only lost it because it was you that she messed with. You did nothing wrong to her, so you don't deserve to be tormented by her." Daku said. I felt my heart race as he rubbed his fingers against my hand. "I may have overreacted with Genji, but he should know that Nina would torment you if you keep hanging out with him. Though, I should've focused on you and given you my jacket." He said as his other hand trailed down to my shoulder where the water spilled. I shivered at his touch. "I-It's okay. . .I'm not cold anymore." I replied. 

"I'm sorry, Kitten." My eyes widen as he pulled me into a hug. I felt my face heat up as I was against his chest. I can feel his toned muscles underneath. "A-Ah, it's okay! A-All is forgiven!" I told him. He releases me from the hug and I finish patching him up. "Just promise me you won't get into any more fights. It's scary to see you in that state." I said. "I promise, but I think I like you nursing me." I blush a bit as he teased me. "You're a big dummy." I shook my head. In the end, we both laughed together. 











- NO POV -

"Let me kill the b*tch that did that to (Y/n)," Sanzu said as he had his gun in hand. "It would be acceptable, but right now it's too risky," Rindo said as he tried to take the gun away from Sanzu. "LET ME KILL HER!" Sanzu shouted. "RAN! HELP!" Rindo shouted for his older brother. "These Daku and Genji guys are something." Ran comments as he thought more and ignored Rindo's shouts for help. 

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