Offically official

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The following weekend

Joe and Kelsey planned on going for a walk and spending the day outside but it turned into a dreary rainy day. So they planned a date night in. They're gonna make dinner together and play games. Joe also had something he wanted to ask her.

He had a small bouquet of flowers in hand for her, he heard her turn down the music she was playing before she opened the door.

"Hey, aww." She noticed the flowers right away.

"For you." He handed them to her, her face was nothing but smiles. Joe noticed she had all the food out ready to go on the counter.

"Thank you!" She gave him a hug and they shared a quick kiss.

"It smells really good, did you start without me?" He asked setting his phone and keys on the entry table she had.

"No! I just had to start the chicken in the oven because it takes awhile." She went back to the kitchen looking for a vase to put the flowers in.

Joe noticed how clean her place was and organized. He took his shoes off before he joined her.

"Alright so, tell me what to do." He said standing beside her.

"Ha, okay. Well it's chicken Alfredo, so fill that pot with water and boil it for the pasta." She said putting the flowers on the table in a vase.

"I'm going to cut up the chicken awhile." She said and got the pan out of the oven. She put her hair up in a messy ponytail and got to it. Joe liked the way she looked, she was focused, organized, and seemed like she enjoyed cooking.

They had fun, they laughed, they drank, they kissed, and they danced.

Over dinner she talked Joe into playing this new truth or dare card game she got when she was away. He was a little skeptical and nervous, because it had a warning of 18 years or older written all over it. He just kept drinking, trying to loosen him up a little so he'd relax.

Kelsey left the dishes in the sink, and left the kitchen a mess to deal with later.

"Alright, so I'll go first. I want to start off with a dare so pick up a dare card and read it to me." She directed.

"Alright, easy enough...Uh, ha. maybe we should skip this one or just do truths..." He said turning red.

"What? What does it say!?" Kelsey wanted to know. Joe handed her the card to read for herself.

"give the person next to you a handjob." She read it out loud and laughed so hard, Joe laughed too and picked up a truth card instead.

"Yeah...maybe next time." Kelsey joked.

"Ha. Alright here, this one's good. What's the biggest lie you ever told?" He read.

"Hmm, probably when I was 16, I snuck out and told my dad it was because I needed tampons but actually was meeting up with my boyfriend to go to a party." She told him.

"Wow, smart though!" Joe said shrugging.

"Yeah it was too easy. Alright my says, where's the strangest place you've had sex." She said and looked at his blushing face getting uncomfortable. He laughed and took a sip of his wine.

"Alright. Let's see. Probably in the backseat of my first car." He admitted.

"Oh c'mon! That's boring!" She said.

"What!? Okay, what about you?!"

"I did it in the MENS locker room with my boyfriend also known as the quarterback, 10 minutes before kick off!"

"Holy shit, wasn't the team still in there?" Kelsey started laughing shaking her head.

"They knew what was going on, THEY STALLED THE COACH FOR US!" Kelsey was hysterical and Joe was laughing with her, she had a great laugh, it was contagious.

Then it was Joes turn, he picked up a card.

"If you could be the opposite gender for a day, what's the first thing you'd do."

"Definitely pee standing up." She said without a second thought.

"Wow it's like your whole life you've waited for that question." He said laughing at her.

"Hey, maybe I was!" She joked and drank more wine. Then it was her turn.

"When's the last time you had sex." She read, cocking her head to the side grinning.

"How comes your getting all the sex ones? Let me see that, are you making them up?" He took the card from her to see it did in fact say that.

"Haha!" Kelsey laughed.

"Damn, I guess it would've 2/3 weeks ago...ish." He said swallowing hard.

"Nice." Kelsey said almost as if she was holding back, it wasn't a reaction he was expecting.

"What? How bout you?" He wondered.

"Uh ha, pass? Want another glass of wine?" She got up and went to the kitchen.

"I'm good." He said and watched her in the kitchen, she was off. Her mood suddenly just was different.

"Everything okay?" He wondered,

"Yeah..." she came back with another glass of wine for herself.

"Just don't want to answer that question or?" He tried to dig a little.

"I don't. But I will. Last weekend, I slept with one of my guy friends. It was stupid, really stupid. We both said we'd never tell anyone." She seemed very disappointed in herself.

"Well that's alright. Everyone makes mistakes." He tried to stay positive for her. He set aside the jealousy he felt and just tried to be supportive. He's been there, he thought it was bad enough he slept with Taylor a few times in the midst of also liking Kelsey. Guess they could call it even.

"Just didn't want you to judge me." She said.

"Me? No. I wouldn't! I think you're really great actually." He told her.

"Yeah? I've been thinking the same about you." She said smiling, he smiled back.

"I think we should do one more. I'll pick it." He said and picked up a card.

"Let's do it." She said ready for it

"Would you consider dating me exclusively." He asked, making it up.

"It really says that?" She asked.

"Uh yeah..." he flirted.

"Liar. Are you serious? What about Taylor and whoever else?" She asked.

"She broke it off with me. And there isn't anyone else. It's just you, and I really like you. I wanna give us a shot." He said.

"Really?" She looked like she could cry. They just stared at each other.

"Really, a serious shot." He stood up and held his hand out for her to hold, she stood up.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked trying to make it romantic, also trying not to gag over this whole thing being super dramatic for him. But all the Reagan's seemed to agree this is how you do it so here he was trying.

"Yes!" She said giving him a hug and then kissed him.

"Last one, my turn...will you stay here with me tonight?" She asked batting her eyelashes up at him. Joe blushed and laughed at her.

"I'd love to but I got a really early start tomorrow, I can't. I don't wanna disturb you." He said.

"Aww okay, maybe next time." She accepted the answer and they kissed a little more.

Joe over here getting creative! They seem good for each other, they match each other's energy too. Now if they can put their pasts behind them and focus on their future, I can definitely see them having a decent shot! Leave your thoughts, comments, reviews!

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