Trouble In Paradise

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The following Sunday

"I just don't wanna go" Taylor went and sat on the couch in comfy clothes.

"Oh." Joe was confused, he thought she was getting dressed for Sunday dinner.

"Sorry, I'm just too tired and have cramps, you can still go though?" She said.

"You sure?"


"Alright..." he watched her mannerisms before he left.

"Is there something else wrong?"

"No. Just me in my head."

"About what?" He walked back over to her.

"It's dumb I don't even wanna talk about it."

"Well I do, what's wrong?"

"Huh. It's just, I feel extremely awkward now that we live together."

"What? Why?!" Joe was confused.

"Joe c'mon, mine as well write it on our foreheads- we have sex-." She explained.

"Who's to say they didn't already know that before we moved in together?"

"Cause that's a grey area."

"Okay well I'm telling you right now...Danny, Jamie, Eddie, and Erin all for sure knew already." He said.


"Just different things have came me."

"Joe! Now it's even worse!" She was surprised.

"Taylor stop, it's sex, everyone has sex!"

"I know but ugh I just feel judged." She said.

"Seriously? Why though?"

"Um maybe because your family is very traditional! Do you really think your grandfather would support this?"

"It doesn't matter what they think. If I don't care then you shouldn't care. Danny's the one that suggested it, I know Jamie and Eddie were living together before they got married. We're not the odd ones out." He told her.

"Yeah and what about Erin?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter Taylor. It's our life we can do whatever we want."

"I know."

"So what? Your just not gonna see my family ever again or?"

"This is why I didn't even wanna tell you, of course not."

"So what about next week? You'll come?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Taylor this isn't gonna work if you don't want my family in your life."

"I never said I didn't want them in my life. I love them, I don't have any family!" She reminded him.

"Okay well now you do. So treat them like it and they'll do the same for you. At least that's what I've learned." He told her.

"I will. But just please give me a pass for today. I promise next Sunday I will go." She said.

"Okay." He wasn't very happy about her decision but decided to bite his tongue before he made it worse. And headed for the door.

" you?" She said annoyed watching him leave without even saying a word.

"I don't know when I'll be home." He said not looking back at her before he shut the door.

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