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Sunday July 17th 2022

At dinner

Everyone was chowing down on dinner, talking about there week at work. Jamie and Eddie announced they were expecting at the start of dinner! She was due in February, everyone was beyond excited for them.

Joe couldn't help but think about how close in age the babies would be if he was still with Kelsey and having his baby. The thought of her didn't excite him as much as the thought of the baby did.

The thought of someone like Taylor and a baby got him excited. But with how she left the other morning he wasn't sure he still had a chance with her or not. He's texted her a couple times, but nothing.

When they were done eating Joe offered to clear the table with Eddie. She'd maybe have some advice for him.

"Hold up I gotta take this." Joe said in reaction to his phone ringing, he took it outside.

"Hey." He said answering Angelina.

"Hey, are you up for some fun later?" She wondered.

" I guess." He said.

"Okay cool! I'll be over sometime." She told him before they hung up. Joe went back inside after he made sure Taylor hadn't texted him back, she didn't.

"Okay sorry bout that."

"Tell me about her." Eddie said getting started in the dishes, Joe grabbed a towel.

"Ha." Joe shook his head.

"Oh cmon, let's hear it." Eddie said smiling.

"I did want to talk to you."

"I know. That's why I'm not wasting any time"

"Wait, how'd you know?"

"Who volunteers to do dishes before being asked." Eddie cocked her head.

"Fair enough. Uh so, remember Taylor?"

"Course I do. She was such a sweetheart." She added.

"Yeah, she is. I think I'm in love with her." He said.

"Woah. That's a big word...what about...? Aren't you sorta with someone else?" Eddie was confused.

"Angelina, yeah. It's not serious, we're just kinda messing around at this point. She lives in North Carolina, it's more of just a fling. But I honestly don't even know if I'm the only one she's seeing, for all I know she's got a group of us." Joe shrugged.

"Doesn't seem like that bothers you.." Eddie pointed out.

"Ha, no. She's not the one, I guess I should end it before it gets complicated. She is Taylor's friend..."

"You're sleeping with her friend!?"

"Yeah...that sounds bad..." Joe said rubbing his hair.

"Joe..." Eddie shook her head.

"She knows it. She was fine with us and then all of a sudden she wasn't." He explained.

"Well maybe her feelings are changing, is she still seeing Brian?" She asked.

"How do you know about that?"

"Forget who I'm married to?" She cocked her head.

"Ha Right...I don't know if she's still with him or not, I didn't ask." he told her.

"Well it sounds like maybe you two gotta talk. Lay it all out there." She told him.

"Huh, I think your right."

"And do it before you knock up this other girl, Angelina." Eddie recalled.

"Hell no, no way that's gonna happen." He laughed.

"What are you feelings torwards Kelsey anymore?" Eddie asked changing the subject a little.

"Honestly, haven't even thought much about her, just hoping she's doing okay with the pregnancy and the fathers helping out as much he can."

"So you'd say your over her?" She asked.

"Yeah. The feelings I have with Taylor compared to her...hell, there not even comparable." He said.

"Awww." Eddie pouted her lip at how sweet that was.

"Are you gonna cry?" Joe noticed it in her eyes.

"Yeahhh I'm so happy for you."

"I gotta lot to do before you can be happy for me!" He laughed.

"But it's gonna be great, promise you'll keep me updated?" She asked all emotional.

"I will!" Joe smiled and told her before she cried again.

"Need any help in here?" Jamie interrupted.

"Don't think so." Joe answered.

"What's wrong?" He noticed Eddie's emotion in her eyes.

"Nothing! We were just talking."

"Okay...I'll leave you to it then." He said and left the kitchen.
Joe left family dinner soon after that. He really wanted to talk to Taylor like Eddie had said. He was nervous as he waited for her to answer the phone.


"Hey, listen, do you think we could talk? I got some things I gotta get off my chest." He told her holding his breath.

"Uh, I'm out with some work friends tonight..." she said.

"No problem, tomorrow?"

" everything okay?"

"Yeah. I think." He said with a chuckle, they said bye and hung up.

When he got home Angelina was outside his place, he low key forgot she was coming...oops.

"Hey." He was hesitant at how this was gonna go. He had to call things off with her before they got inside and things got going too far.

"Hi!" She gave him a kiss.

"Question, so you leave to go home when?" He asked.

"2 weeks actually!"

"Right and what were you thinking would happen with us when you left?"

"Oh I don't know, whatever, I could come visit or you could!" She said with enthusiasm.

"See Ang, my job is pretty involved here, I can't be traveling all the way down there to see you once a month..." he tried to hint at her.

"I guess your right..."

" maybe we should just end this here, don't see much point in leading it on." Joe said trying to act like this was hard but it wasn't. He's not in love with her or anything, the sex wasn't very good, she was pretty, and sweet, but dumb as a rock. This was easy.

"Oh okay...well thanks for doing it in person. I had fun with you!" She said and gave him a hug, he returned it and agreed. She gave him one last smile and left.

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