Too distracted

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3 Weeks later

They were still trying to find the drug dealers, they narrowed the search to just looking for Felix in hopes he'd cooperate and give up Hectors whereabouts. It was like they fell off the face of the earth.

Joe was in the locker room changing to head home and then head out for a drink with Angelina. A couple more officers who were done for the day came in to get changed. Brian was one of them.

"Don't hold me up man, I gotta very important date tonight." Brian told another officer, Trent who was blocking his locker on purpose to be funny.

"Yeah? You proposing or what?" Trent asked laughing.

"Fuck no, it's the 3rd date." He said bragging, the rumble of guys ooglying over it was immature.

"Hey don't forget the glove dude." Another guy said followed by a fist bump/handshake thing followed by laughing.

"That's funny, you know I don't wear that shit." He said getting dressed.

"Nah dude, it's a no glove no love for me bro." Trent added laughing.

"No fuck that." Brian shook his head.

"What if she says no?" Joe said calling him out interrupting the laughter.

"Well unlike you saint Joe I actually know how to work a women, I'm quite irresistible in the bedroom if I'm being honest with you youngster." Brian said confidently.

"You think pretty highly of yourself I see." Joe said finishing up getting dressed.

"Just spitting facts" Brian held his hands up in surrender. Joe wanted to punch him in the face again so bad. What a man whore.

"Alrighty then. See you guys later, have a good night." It took all Joe had to leave being the bigger person. But, he did, he got his stuff and left.

Joe wasn't always the "perfect gentleman" when it came to women, he's had his fair share of one night stands but he wasn't an animal about it. He couldn't stand guys exactly like Brian, who openly talk about it to whoever's around to listen.

A couple hours later

Joe was sitting at the bar, waiting for Angelina. He was still trying to work through the breakup with Kelsey, he thought about her more often then he thought he would. Just hoping she's being looked after and taken care of, and that the baby's growing healthy. He tried to give himself grace still, he originally thought he was going to be a father. That's a big rug to pull out from underneath someone.

"Can I get a martini? I'm at table 3." A familiar female voice called out. Joe turned to see.

"Hey." He called out to Taylor.

"Oh hey." She was surprised seeing him here.

"Hope you got someone paying for that." He said meaning the drink she was ordering.

"Ha, I will, he's not here yet." She said looking around for her date.

"Alright well you let me know." Joe winked with a laugh.

"Will meeting Ang?" She wondered.

"I am, she always run late or am I just early?" He asked with a laugh.

"Ha! Oh yeah, she's so scatterbrained, you'd think she was blonde." Taylor told him laughing.

"Oh great." Joe laughed back, got her drink and left to go back to her table with it. He watched her walk away with another sip of his beer. There was just something about her.

Finding Mrs.Joe HillWhere stories live. Discover now