Talking Future

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Couple weeks later
November 22nd 2022

Taylor was at work when her co worker Sue came to her room as she was setting up for her next patient.

"There's someone on the phone for you, it sounds urgent."

"Who?" Taylor dropped everything to follow her.

"An officer Eddie? I take it as it's someone who works with Joe." She said.

"It's his aunt." Her heart was pounding the whole walk to the front desk phone. She didn't know what this was about but she didn't have a good feeling.

"Hello?" She said with a dry mouth upon answering.

"Hey, it's Eddie. Don't freak out, he's fine but there was a shooting..."

"Oh my god." She was having deja vu, this phone call, these words. It happened just like this a few months ago. Except they were just friends then.

"Like I said he's fine, but his stubborn butt didn't want me to call you until after work." Eddie told her.

"Smack him for me please. I can talk to my boss and I'll try and be there as soon as I can." She said, she was still scared but a wave of relief came over her just hearing how calm Eddie was about the situation.

"Are you okay to drive? I can come get you?" Eddie offered.

"No no. I'm fine." She assured.

"Good. Like I said he's okay. But if I was you I'd be mad no one told me."

"Well yeah! Why are men so stubborn?"

"It's a Reagan thing." Eddie joked and they hung up.

"Joes in the hospital again. I have to go." She told Sue before heading off to her bosses office.

He of course let her leave immediately and they'd cover her column for the rest of the day. She wasn't nervous in her mind but her body said otherwise, she was shaking but she couldn't control it.

When she got there Eddie was waiting outside for her, she gave her a hug and followed her up to where he was.

"Did you tell him you called me?" Taylor wondered.

"I did. He was glad but wouldn't admit it of course."

"Huh I'm gonna kill him myself. Why does he think he's so superior? Is Jamie like that?"

"Ha, like I said, it's a Reagan thing sis." Eddie nudged playfully at her as they took the elevator up 2 stories.

"Well it better not rub off on me, spending all this time around all you." She said with a laugh.

"Why do you think I hyphenated my last name?" She joked.

"Ha, Good to know." Taylor said as they got off the elevator. The walked past a couple rooms before reaching the one Joe was in.

The family was outside the room waiting to see her, she gave them each a hug and thanked them for coming and waiting for her. She was overwhelmed with the feeling of support from each one. Joe was so lucky to have a big family who cared so much for him. She wanted to be apart of them too.

She excused herself from them all to go see him. He had his left bicep wrapped in bandages and his right hand was wrapped up.

"Hey beautiful." Joe said buttering her up.

"Smooth. What happened?" She wondered looking at his battle wounds.

"Well I got shot at, and then fell down some stairs, broke a few fingers, and yeah, here I am now. Looking at my smoking hot girlfriend in my favorite outfit." He said admiring the scrubs she hadn't changed out of. She leaned in to kiss him before speaking again.

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