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Monday June 13th 2022

Today Joe was in the court room, for Taylor's assault trial. She seemed better but still dreaded seeing Chris, her ex again.

She was nervous about getting up on the stand but Joe, Erin, Jamie and even Eddie all talked to her and tried to help her as much as they could. They knew Joe cared about her a lot and she had practically became family through all this.

The trial went very well, they were surprised he pleaded guilty with no issues. Taylor did great testifying, she held it together for the most part and tried not to make eye contact with him.

When it was over Taylor immediately went to thank all the Reagan's for all the help. She was crying tears of joy she wouldn't have to see that guy for 5 years. Erin had another trial she had to be at and Jamie and Eddie had to get back to work, which left Joe and Taylor there making small talk.

"Can we go out and celebrate?" She asked innocently.

"We can grab a quick lunch but then I gotta get back to work tonight." He said looking at his watch.

"Sounds good to me! I don't go back to work until next week, they told me to take the week." She said following Joe out of the courthouse.

"Wow, maybe I should become a dental hygienist." Joe said laughing.

"You gotta go to school you know."

"I know, I'm kidding." He said nudging her playfully.

They walked down the street a couple blocks to a pizza place, grabbed a table for two outside. The waitress came and took there orders, and brought them there drinks.

"Kelsey okay with this?" Taylor asked.

"Don't know, honestly don't care." He said playing with the straw wrapper.

"Oh." She was surprised.

"I don't wanna talk about it really." He said blowing it off.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't ask." She said sipping her drink.

"Thanks." He told her.

"I don't know when I'll wanna date again after all this shit." She said sipping her soda.

"Yeah, that's gotta be terrifying." He said shaking his head.

A few minutes later there food was brought out to them.

"Enjoy!" The women said.

"Thank you! Wow this looks amazing." Taylor said moving her things aside to make room.

"Hope your hungry." Joe said staring at all the food.

"I haven't been much for eating with this whole thing, I'm excited to relax and enjoy a meal." She said digging right in.

"Well you did great, I'm really proud of you." He said, he made her blush.

"Thanks." She said covering her mouth and chewing. Joe couldn't get over how bad ass and strong she was. She kicked ass today, it was impressive. Most girls who get up there are a mess, crying. Rightly so, but she just sorta swallowed all that and got it done.
When they were done the waitress came out, took there plates, and left the check.

"What are you doing?" Taylor asked when Joe had took the check and pulled his wallet out.

"Paying?" He said questioning her confusion.

"No! This is on me! Seriously!" She insisted and took the check from his side of the table.

"You're crazy." He laughed and took it back from her.

"No! Joe!" He ignored her and walked into the restaurant to pay.

"Why'd you do that? I wanted to go out and treat you to lunch as a thank you." She said when he came back.

"Taylor friends or not, I pay." He said and they headed down the street.

"Well thank you. Again." Her cheeks blushed.

"Course, I gotta get going, you did great, I'll see ya around alright?" He gave her a quick side hug and went on his way.

He still liked her, but he was completely shutting it out. His days of dating around were over. Whether he liked it or not, he had to stick it out with Kelsey. He still loves her, it's just the pregnancy had completely changed her. It was hard to remember who she really was, when her hormones weren't going crazy
Joe had worked the rest of the day and half the night. He got back to his place around 1am, he was tired as hell and just wanted to go to sleep.

"How was the trial?" Kelsey who sat awake in bed asked.

"Why are you still up?" He wondered, he'd do anything to of been home and sleeping by now.

"Pregnancy insomnia." She said.

"Oh. Well I'm exhausted babe, can we talk tomorrow?" He asked undressing. He didn't have the energy to tell her about his lunch "date" even though it wasn't a big deal. He knows her too well by now that there's a good chance it would turn into a fight.

"As long as you don't forget to mention any kissing or anything for that matter that happened." She said being passive aggressive.

"Stop that. We can talk tomorrow, I work the night again so don't wake me up." He told her getting into bed. She gave him a cold shoulder when he tried to say goodnight.

"I love you, now kiss me." He waited for her to turn and listen.

"Huh. Love you too." She sighed annoyed. Joe didn't care, he rolled back over and went to sleep. He was too tired to give in to her bickering.

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