A Package

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The following week

"Hey babe. Sorry, I know I'm later then I said, but I'll make it up to you." Joe says upon entering their apartment and taking his coat and shoes off.

"I think I picked a date, the church is available and the venue we like is too." Taylor pops out of nowhere and says.

"You hear what I said?" He asked, he thought she'd be irritated he was late but guess not, she's preoccupied enough it doesn't seem to phase her.

"Yeah, how bout June 17th?" she spit out.

"Oh?...!" He was surprised, that was in 4 months.

"Is that too soon?" She questions through gritted teeth.

"Of course not, hell you know I'd marry you tomorrow." He smiled and gave her a hug.

"I know, so would I. Not too late to go to the courthouse you know." She said joking but also serious.

"That's okay, it'll fly by." Joe says.

"And I made an appointment to go dress shopping." She let go of their hug and her eyes lit up at his.

"Wowww you got a lot done today, proud of you." He says giving her a high five.

"Thanks. So June 17th?" She asked smiling.

"June 17th sounds like the perfect day." He assures with a kiss on her forehead.

"Yay." She started to leave and go back to the computer.

"Wait, who are you going dress shopping with?" He stops her.

"Eddie, Erin, Nikki might fly in, your mom, and then Fiona and Jen."

"What about Angelina?" He wonders. Taylor cocks her head at him.

"Oh yes, my good friend who screwed my soon to be husband, please be in my wedding, pretty please. C'mon now." She told him rolling her eyes. Joe tried not to laugh at her sarcasm.

"It wasn't serious, it was stupid and if I could go back I wouldn't of done that." He says.

"Well what's done is done now." She says.

"She's one of your best friends though, she's not gonna be in your wedding?" He questions.

"No. And I don't care what anybody says because there's very few things about our wedding that's traditional anyway."

"Like what?" He pressed.

"Like the fact the only blood relative I have coming will be my aunt Heather and uncle Tim who are NOT good in social settings." She emphasizes.

"Okay, well that's alright. At least you have my family, they love you like your their own." He assures her.

"I know. Still would be nice if someone on my side who I liked could be there."

"I know. They will be though." He reminds her.

"Yeah. Whatever, I gotta reserve the venues for our date." She turns to head to the computer and Joe heads for a shower.
"Joe? What's this about?" Taylor takes him a package, inside it contains a box stating "home paternity test".

"Where did you find that?" He's in the midst of getting dressed.

"What do you mean where did I find it? It just got delivered." She says and tosses it on the bed. He finishes getting dressed and sighs.

"What the fuck." She crosses her arms wanting an explanation.

"I ordered it soon after we saw Kelsey, and the baby." He tells her.

"Okay? Do you think it's yours now or what?" She asks.

"I don't know. It's just a feeling I got."

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?"

"I'm sorry. I meant to, I just didn't get around to it, also didn't know how the hell to."

"You just say it. We're gonna be husband and wife. No secrets, no beating around the bush either." She tells him sternly.

"I know babe. Like I said I was going to tell you. I thought it'd come a little more discreet."

"Well it didn't. So what's your plan? You and the baby send blood in or what? Wait a second...does Kelsey know about this?" She questions.

"Ha...you really found out about all of this the exact opposite way I wanted..."

"Joe! You reached out to her and what? Made the plan to do this? And she's just okay with it!?" She asks.

"Yeah, surprisingly. She assured me it wasn't mine but was understanding on why I wanted to be sure."

"...And if it is yours?" Her eyes are filling with tears, fearing what would happen then.

"Taylor...nothing would happen baby. I don't love her. You know that."

"Okay so what? Your saying you wouldn't want your own kid in your life?"

"Of course I would, but that isn't gonna stop me from loving you and marrying you!" He tells her.

"Good." She wiped her tears away and took a deep breath. This all just felt like a big slap in the face. She wouldn't have took it this way had he communicated before hand.

"I love you. I'm sorry this is how it all happened." He apologizes with a kiss.

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