Special Delivery

111 2 0

March 9th 2023
2 weeks later

"Touch me." Joe says spooning Taylor in bed after his alarm went off for the second time.

"No you have to go to work." She reminds trying to stay asleep.

"I'll be quick." He claims and moves the hair off her neck so he can kiss it, which sends a chill down her back.

"Ha no babe, your alarm already went off twice." She says rolling away from him.

"Pleaseee" he begs making her laugh.

"Tonight we can."

"Ugh. Why is it always when I work early I want you so bad." He says with a sigh.

"Because I'm just that irresistible." She laughs.

"Yeah you are." He agrees.

"Do you think we could maybe start our next venture earlier then we originally said?" She wonders staring up at the ceiling now that she was awake.

"You mean trying for a baby? Now?" He guesses.

"Yeah...I just don't want to wait, especially after meeting Layla. You know?" She asked.

"I know, she's a doll. Tell ya what babe, let me get the paternity test results first, and then we'll talk."

"You should know today right?" She says.

"Yeah, it's been 2 weeks now." He reminds and gets up to get dressed and head to work.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine remember?" He said when she didn't say anything back.

"I know." She watches him get dressed, he kisses her goodbye and heads out of the room. Taylor's been very stressed about getting these results back. She's hoping it's not his baby, seeing him with a child that they don't share together is a little gut wrenching. And then throw the fact she isn't sure she'll be able to even carry a child of their own just adds to it.

Joe and Danny were interviewing a witness at an apartment building when they hear screaming kids at the apartment next door.

"I'll go." Joe says and leaves, he knocks on the door announcing he's the police, and a kid probably 8 years old answers.

"Is your mom or dad home?" He asks but the kids scream again in the background so Joe pushes through to see the problem hand on his gun ready to pull it because it sounds like someone's being murdered.

"Mommy's having a baby!" The kid says. He immediately sees a pregnant women on the floor surrounded by 4 younger kids who are screaming in fear, the mother is also yelling in pain.

"Where's your dad!?" Joe asks and goes over to her side.

"He's working." The kid says.

"Ma'am I'm a cop, what's going on? Talk to me?!" He tells the woman, his adrenaline started kicking in high gear.

"The baby, she's coming." She says catching her breath.

"Alright, um how long has this been going on?" He wonders pulling out his phone.

"Couple hours, it just got really bad I can't get up, I don't know where my phone is." She says frazzled and through her intense contractions.

"Okay, aright, 5-4 detective I need a bus at 725 south Gerard street apartment 15, I got a women in labor!" He radios. He tells the kids to back up and go sit down somewhere while he helps her to the bathroom. A few seconds later Danny comes in the apartment quickly.

"Joe?! What's going on? Where are you!?" He says making his way to the bathroom doorway.

"She's having a baby, I called a bus, but I don't know." He says panicked but trying to remain calm for her.

Finding Mrs.Joe HillWhere stories live. Discover now