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Wednesday May 4th 2022

Joe was headed to Kelsey's place tonight, he was hoping she was over the whole Taylor thing and would want to take him up on the make up sex this time. He got takeout and a bottle of wine for them.

When he got there she hollered for him to come in, after he knocked.

"I got the best spaghetti you'll ever have from Maestros, and a bottle of wine." He said setting it down on the counter and shutting the door.

"I'm on the couch." She called out to him. Joe was confused, he walked around the corner to see her laying on the couch with her blanket, she looked like crap.

"What's wrong?" He asked and sat down with her.

"I've had a headache all day, it's making me nauseated, I could hardly drive home from work."

"Did you drink too much last night? Are you hungover still?" He said and moved some hair off her face.

"Are you crying?" He asked when he noticed some of the hair was sticking to her cheek.

"A little." She wiped her eye.

"Oh. I'm sorry, come here." He leaned over and gave her a hug as best he could with her still laying down.

"Are you sad about something?" He wondered confused.

"I just don't feel good and I wanted to have really hot make up sex tonight." She said with a whine.

"Ha, It's okay Kels. Next time." He laughed, and gently ran his fingers through her hair, she was still upset. He didn't know what else to do or say. So he just hugged her again and rested his head with hers.

"Is there anything I can get you? Have you eaten much today?" He asked.

"Not since this morning, I had a muffin."

"Baby you gotta eat. You want some spaghetti?" He got up and went to the kitchen.

"Maybe. Can you get me some water and advil too." She called back out.


When he came back with it all she sat up, Joe could sit next to her now.

"I'm not hungover, it's my period, it happens almost every time." She told him taking the advil.

"Gotchya. I'm sorry you don't feel good." He rubbed her back and then got up to get himself dinner. As he poured himself a glass of wine, the bathroom door slammed shut. He walked over and heard her throwing up.

"You okay Kelsey?" He asked.

"Yeah. I probably should of ate more today, and not took advil on an empty stomach." She told him and then got sick again.

"You want me to come in?" He asked.

"No!" She yelled.

"Okay...well let me know, I'm here." He told her and went on the couch to eat.

She came out a couple minutes later, looking torn up. She sat down on the couch and wanted no parts of dinner, she pushed it away.

"I can get you something else, do you have anything here you want?"

"I really don't have an appetite right now after that."

"I know, but you gotta eat a little. How bout toast or crackers or something? He suggested.

"Maybe I'll make some toast." She got up, Joe offered to get it but she wanted to.

"Joe..." she called out, he got up quick to see what she wanted. She was dizzy, holding onto the counter top with her eyes shut.

"Sit down. On the floor." He helped her.

"You can't tell me this is normal. Ever have vertigo?" He asked concerned.

"I promise, it's my period. If I take advil early enough usually it doesn't get this bad. But I didn't so now I pay."

"Babe this doesn't seem normal." He said crouched down beside her, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Cause you have so much experience with a period." She was sarcastic.

"No but I've been with a few girls in my day and I've never seen something like this."

"Well you always said you liked me because I'm different, so...here I am." She said. Joe didn't know what to say, he chuckled and sat on the floor with her and admired how pretty she still was.

"Why are you laughing at me?" She opened her eyes and asked when she saw him smiling at her.

"I'm not laughing at you babe...I'm falling in love with you." He told her softly and brushed his hand through her hair. Kelsey covered her face with her hands and laughed.

"Not right now, I look like crap!" She argued.

"No, your beautiful babe." He told her smiley, running his hand through her hair.

Poor Kelsey having one of those days all of us women have had. It's good Joe was there to help her and show that side of him! Also throwing some big words around! Leave your comments!

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