Surprising Turn Of Events

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Continued from the last chapter.

"I cannot believe your giving me this ultimatum!" Taylor said storming into her apartment with Joe behind her.

"Taylor I love you, I do, but you gotta see where I'm coming from with this babe."

"I do! But It's just the way you went about it! Like why try and hide you bought a test? Why couldn't we talk about it, if you would've asked me like a normal person I probably wouldn't of had such a problem!"

"I'm sorry." He told her.

"Good." She crossed her arms.

"So you'll take it?" He asked.

"I told you, I always use condoms, I'm on birth control, but whatever. I guess that's not enough information for you and I don't have much choice." She rolled her eyes.

"Tay.." He cocked his head at her, she was being super stuck up about this.

"It's just not a conversation I'm ready to have!"

"What do you mean?" Joe asked confused.

"Forget it. Just give me the damn test." She held her hand out.

"What conversation!?" Joes face filled with worry.

"I'll tell you after I take this." She took the box from him and stormed off to the bathroom. Joe was freaked, what the hell was she talking about?

He patiently waited, sat on the couch, played with his hands. It felt like an hour had gone by.

"Happy?" She said coming out of the bathroom and tossed the test at him.

"Babe, I really didn't think you'd be this mad at me for it." He said and picked the test up to see it was negative quick before following her out to where she went in the kitchen.

"Well I am. It's completely unnecessary!" She argued.

"Obviously it was considering it's negative, but honey-I mean know my past with this stuff." He was trying to ease the tension as best he could.

"So if I'd of been'd of broke up with me?"

"Don't say that...that's not what I said." He shook his head.

"Well it's kinda what you made it sound like!" She told him.

"That's not at all what would've happened. I would do whatever you wanted, I love you. I love you more then anyone else I've ever been with, the words don't do anyone else as much justice as they do when I say them to you." He spilled out.

"If you love me that much, then don't ever do that to me again. Like-hey you're kind of a slut can you just make sure you're not knocked up before we get too serious? Who the fuck does that!?"

"And that's not at all how I wanted it to come across, I said sorry. But you know...In the past...shits happened." He reminded once again. Taylor didn't know what else to say, she just shook her head.

"I didn't know you'd take it this way baby, honest." He got closer wanted to give her a hug which she accepted.

"Mhm...whatever. I guess you do need to know something though." She calmed down in his arms, like they were magic.

"I do?" He let go of their hug.

"Yeah...So...I have pcos." She told him.

"Okay..? And what exactly is that?" He wasn't too informed on such things.

"Well a lot, but mainly...I don't know if I'll be able to have kids" she told him.

The floor fell out from under his feet, she was trying to read his face after he was at a loss of words, and staring blankly. She didn't think she'd cry when she told him but here she was.

"It's okay babe, don't cry...I'm sorry." He felt terrible and embraced her in another hug. He held her for awhile, thinking it all through. No wonder she was so pissed at him.

"I hope this doesn't change anything, maybe I should've told you from the start." She toyed around the idea.

"This changes nothing Taylor, absolutely nothing. Did you honestly think it would? Is that why you never told me?" He asked seriously.

"I didn't think you would. But I really want to have kids in the future and I was always scared that whoever that would be with wouldn't be on board to go through that "journey" with me." She explained.

"Why on earth would you think that?"

"Because it could get expensive, I don't know what it entails. There's tons of things I'd want to try before adopting. And none of that is cheap, at all. And on top of treatments, kids themselves are expensive. I try to save up as much money I can, ever since I found out I had pcos. Because I just never knew what my future would be." She told him.

This was the first conversation they've had that was this serious. It was actually a big step in the relationship. Joes never talked about money with a girlfriend, let alone having kids together. Kelsey was the closest thing to serious he ever had and that wasn't all even in his control.

They moved into the living room and sat on the couch. Joe rested his hand on her thigh while he talked.

"I'm upset you have that mindset babe. A guy who loves you and wants to spend the rest of their life with you would never look at fertility treatments as a burden or flaw. It's life, and nobody's is perfect. Hell for all I know I could have issues, I don't know. I never got tested for anything like that and certainly never tried to conceive a child." He expressed.

"I know, your right. It's just frustrating." She laid her head on his shoulder in sigh.

"Don't get down on yourself, you don't know for sure if you'll have trouble." He reminded.

"I know. It's just a feeling I guess. My cycle is impossible to track, it's going to be hard. I know it." She said.

"Well let's cross that bridge when we get there, everything happens for a reason. Whatever's supposed to happen will." He gave her a peck on the lips, making her blush.

"You said we." She pointed out batting her deep brown eyes and smiling.

"I know." He smiled and kissed her more. There wasn't a doubt in his mind, he was going to marry her one day.

Finding Mrs.Joe HillWhere stories live. Discover now