A Run In

72 3 0

Thursday February 16th 2023

Jamie and Eddie had the baby a week ago, Layla Grace. Today Joe and Taylor were able to go over and meet her but first they stopped at target to get a gift.

"Where are the cute little outfits?" Taylor asks and leaves Joe to put the box of newborn diapers in the cart.

"Oh hi." Taylor says, when she rounds the corner, her stomach jumped into her throat as she stands there face to face with Kelsey. She looked worn out, she had the baby car seat in the cart covered with a striped blanket, and she was holding a can of formula.

"Hi...! How are you?" Kelsey asks.

"Good...congratulations!" Taylor says out of awkwardness, her mouth dry. I mean what else was she supposed to say?

"Oh thanks. He's sleeping, you can kinda see his face." Kelsey says and pulls back the blanket she had over the car seat.

"Aww adorable." Taylor says seeing the tiny baby boy sleeping so peaceful.

"Yeah, are you and Joe still-" she started.

"Damn I never knew how expensive a box of diapers were." He interrupts not seeing Kelsey right away. When he does he's hit with sweat, he hasn't seen her since the day they broke up.

"Hey." She says before he can.

"Hi..." he replies with a thick swallow. His eyes glance at the baby car seat.

"How've you guys been?" She wonders.

"Great, we're engaged now, so wedding planning is in the works and all that." Taylor said wanting to brag a little and let her to know Joe was permanently off the market now.

"Oh wow! Well congratulations to you too then." She said faking a smile. This was very awkward.

"Thanks. Are you still with um...?" Joe couldn't remember the guys name but luckily she shook her head before he had to think harder.

"Sadly he left me a couple weeks before he was born. I moved back home with my parents, which has been a big help." She says.

"Sorry to hear." Joe said sincerely. Taylor felt awkward, she was just concerned about how they were going to leave this situation. She didn't want to talk to her any longer, she felt a little insecure if she was being honest.

"Yeah, well, I gotta keep moving along before he's ready to eat again. Good to see yous." She said and got behind her cart.

"Yeah same to you!" Taylor tells her and waves walking past her, Joe just smiles and nods as he follows.

"Fuck I'm sweating." Taylor stops and airs out her shirt when they reach another aisle.

"Well maybe this is why you just shouldn't shop at target." He joked trying to make her laugh.

"Very funny." She rolled her eyes.

"You did good. I kinda forgot she was due last month." Joe says.

"Yeah me too. Let's just get this stuff and get the hell out of here." She says looking through a rack of clothes for the right size and leaving.
"So...you're kinda quiet." Taylor said on the way over to Jamie and Eddie's place.

"I am?" He asks.

"Yeah. Are you thinking about Kelsey?" She asks straight up. Joe bolts his eyes right over to her.

"No!" He claimed, Taylor cocked her head not believing him.

"I'm not, I'm just...reflecting." He says.

"Reflecting on? The fact that if it would've been yours you'd be a father right now and wouldn't have gave me a second thought?"

"Babe. C'mon."

"It's true." She shrugs.

"No not at all. Who's to say we would've lasted? Things with us were going downhill before all that."

"Okay like how?" She tests.

"They just were I don't know. She was moody and needy."

"Um I can be both of those things."

"Not like that. You have your moments or days sure but, she was always kinda like that."

"Oh." Taylor says and looks out the window. She didn't want to be like that at all, especially if it's the reason he doesn't think him and her would've lasted.

"Babe I love you. No matter how much attitude you throw at me or how much attention you crave. Okay?" He grabs her hand.

"Yeah. Me too." She holds his hand back and soon they're at Jamie and Eddie's.

He gave her a quick peck on the cheek before getting out and heading up to their apartment.

"Hey, come on in." Jamie let them in, both giving him a quick congratulations hug.

"Aww, she's so tiny!" Taylor said seeing Eddie holding the baby on the couch. They washed their hands before going over to see her.

"Layla this is your cousin Joe and his fiancé Taylor. Can you say hi?" Eddie jokes asking the newborn who laid there asleep in a rose printed sleeper with a little white hair bow in her light brown hair.

"Sorry, you'll have to excuse her, she's a little shy yet." Jamie joked making them all laugh.

"Who wants to hold her first?" Eddie asks leaving it up to them to decide.

"Oh that's all her. She's been excited about this all day." Joe says referring to Taylor.

"I love babies." She says and sits down for Eddie to hand the newborn over. She hands her the gift they brought for her to open while her hands are free. Taylor's heart explodes when Layla gets in her arms, she's so tiny, so precious and beautiful. She looks up at Joe with a pouty lip, now she wants one.

"Hey don't let her fool ya, she's all cute now but her screaming at 2am is not." Jamie says making them laugh.

"I know I know." Taylor says.

"Not to mention the blowouts she has about every evening." Eddie adds and starts opening the gift bag they brought. They laughed about it. Joe was happy to see Taylor with the baby, no matter what they said, he fell in love with her even more.

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