Making Bets

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A week later
Thursday September 22nd 2022

Joe wanted to surprise Taylor and take her out to lunch. He walked into her work, where he's never been until today. Which reminds him, he doesn't know the last time he's been to the dentist. He should probably do something about that.

"Name?" The front desk women asked.

"Oh, uh no I don't have an appointment. I want to surprise my girlfriend Taylor, take her to lunch on her break." He told her.

"Ahh one of those, let me see here." She clicked around on the computer.

"Looks like she should be done in about 10 minutes. I'll let her know to come upfront before she breaks."

"That would be great, thank you." Joe said with a smile before heading to take a seat.

"Oh, actually. Dr. Kelton, when you go in and check Taylor's patient, could you let her know to come up front before she breaks." The women told another employee, Joe looked up because he had a feeling...yup.

That was the "hot new dentist" Taylor messed around with before him...what a putz. Just kidding, he was actually a good looking guy, taller then Joe too. He felt threatened and sat up taller and looked bigger then he was just in case he looked over here. Then he wished he'd be in uniform too, that always intimidates people.

Right before he walked back the hall he did glance at Joe who was already looking at him. He gave a smile, but it wasn't a friendly "nice to see you and meet you" smile. It was definitely a "ha-ha I screwed your girlfriend before you" smile. Joe didn't think he'd see the guy when he thought about doing this whole surprise thing. He kinda forgot about it honestly.

15 minutes later he heard that familiar voice coming down the hall.

"Sue? You said you needed to see me? Before I'm off to break." Taylor said and then saw Joe in the waiting room.

"Joe?! What are you doing here!?" She lit up and walked out to see him. He was instantly obsessed with how she looked in scrubs, he's never seen her in uniform before.

"I wanted to take you to lunch." He kissed her and said.

"Aww then let's go! What do you want?" She asked.

"Whatever you want." He told her. She grabbed her purse and they walked down the street holding hands.

"Well I kinda want a salad, I usually walk down to Gannis, it's like a block." She said pointing.

"Great let's hit it."

As they walked he got caught up in the scrubs again.

"Why don't you wear these at home?" He flirted, pointing with his eyes.

"Because I get covered in spit and germs." She laughed.

"I don't care." He said.

"Ha, Oh stop." She told him laughing. They got to the place and Taylor placed her order in at the counter while Joe looked up at the menu on the wall.

After they ordered and Joe paid, they stood and waited for the food.

"So hot." Joe said quietly just so she'd hear, as he checked her out again. She blushed with a smile and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"#37, order is up!" One of the workers yelled. Taylor went and grabbed it and they went and grabbed a table outside.

"I can't believe you never ate here." She said opening her bowl of chicken Caesar salad.

"I'm not over here much." He said and unwrapped his cheesesteak.

"I guess. How was your day?" She wondered, drizzling her salad with dressing.

"Uneventful for the most part, I probably should've offered to stay but I wanted to see you."

"Aww well aren't you sweet." She said sticking her fork in her salad.

"You wanna stay over tonight?" He asked.

"Are you gonna make me wear scrubs?" She teased cocking her head.

"Please." He laughed.

"Ugh. Fine, but I am stopping at home and putting on clean ones." She took another bite of her lunch.

"That is completely fine with me." He smirked.

"Oh hey before I forget, Sunday dinner this week Jamie and Eddie are announcing the gender of the baby. If your interested in that?" He asked.

"Yes! I'm so excited for them. I hope it's a little girl, Jamie's gonna be a sucker." She said laughing.

"Most dads are I think. But I think it's a boy." He told her.

"Ooo well wanna make a bet?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Game on, what are we betting?"

"Hmm, well how bout if I bring those handcuffs of yours home one night..." she bit her lip and smirked at him.

"Ha! Wow I was not expecting that, I'm down." He said blushing.

"Now you pick your poison." She sat back and sipped her drink.

"Alright, if I win...what if...we move in together." He said uncertain of how she'd react.

"Joe..." she cocked her head unsure and wide eyes.

"Too soon?" He asked gritting his teeth.

"Don't you think?"

"3 months?" He shrugged.

"I don't know..." she was unsure.

"Don't forget all the talking and time we spent together in the beginning of the year."

"Yeah but that wasn't dating. That was just sex." She said.

"Was not." He defended.

"Okay whatever, still. Less then 6 months together..."

"What more do you want to see from me?" He wondered.

"I don't know. All I hear is my grandmothers voice in my head."

"Saying?" Joe asked.

"She'd say, Taylor don't be a women who needs a man, be a women a man needs"

"Wise words."

"Very..." she sighed.

"I get it. But say we get married someday-" Taylor's eyes widened at Joe's statement but continued to hear him out.

"We'd live together, have a joint bank account, raise kids together lord willing, rely on each other to fulfill each others emotional and physical needs, I mean the list is endless." He explained.

"'re talking about marriage Joe...I'm just talking about the fact that you brought up living together." She reminded.

"Isn't marriage the end goal?" He questioned.

"Huh..." she sighed, she wasn't prepared for such a deep conversation over her lunch break.

"Hello?" Joe wanted an answer.

"Look, I gotta get back to work. Can we talk about this later. Tonight?" She asked watching the place get crowded and seeing the time on her phone.

"I guess." He got up and paid the check before they headed back to her work. They didn't talk much the whole way.

"Thanks for lunch." She said and headed back in. Joe caught eyes with the dentist who was talking to the front desk ladies. He was a little enraged and disgusted she worked with him.

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