Happily Ever After

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Wedding day
June 17th 2023


"Are you sure you wanna walk yourself?" Fiona asked Taylor as they stood outside the church doors waiting to start the ceremony.

"I'll be fine." She told her, trying to also give herself the confidence. All she had to do was walk to Joe and that's it, it's over. Once she gets to him she's in good hands, it's like a 15 second walk.

"You'll be great." Eddie told her as she held Layla and the basket of flower petals.

"Focus on walking to the music." Jamie added, he was linked to Jen who gave her a nod of confidence. The music changed, and everyone got in their spots. Taylor's heart started to race a little and she had a wave of anxiety hit. She prayed it would go away quick so she could enjoy this moment and not throw up.

"See ya up there, you got this." Danny told her right before Chris and Fiona walked through the doors. As she watched them all follow, watching Eddie throw the petals with Layla made her laugh and relax a little. The music transitioned and she stood at the closed doors waiting for her que in music. She was squeezing her bouquet so hard.

Before she knew it the doors opened and she started walking, she looked at Joe the entire time, not anyone else and he was nothing but smiles. She could read it on his face how happy he was and how proud he was of her. She was dreading this walk for months and it was finally almost over.

When she got to the stage Joe reached his hand out to help her up the steps and she handed her flowers to Fiona. The archbishop started talking, but Joe and Taylor were lost in each other, barely listening.

"You look beautiful." He mouthed in a whisper, her anxiety had completely disappeared at this point, she was focused on him, he was her everything. Her comfort, her safety, her love.

After the big picture perfect kiss, they were announced for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reagan. The guests clapped and cheered as they still held hands heading back up the aisle. When they got out the doors away from everyone for the first time Joe made sure he stopped her to give her another kiss.

"We just got married!" He said, as if she didn't know.

"Ha! I know!" She laughed.

"And you look amazing, I want to say let's forget the rest and go home now!" He said laughing.

"You're telling me!" She said and they exchanged another kiss.

While they took pictures at the church all the guests made their way over to the reception hall and got to enjoy appetizers and drinks.

They had their first dance upon arriving. Joe danced with his mom after, Taylor insisted on it. She let a few tears fall as she had to watch but she made it this far and wasn't going to let it ruin her day. Life isn't fair and this was just part of it. She also had to remind herself Joe didn't have a father here either, it wasn't just her missing out.

To lighten the mood afterwards they played the shoe game. Where they sit back to back and raise one of their shoes in the air to answer questions. Except they weren't dumb "everybody knows the answer" questions like "who's older", "who is more attractive". No, they were funny and border line embarrassing if anything. "Who takes longer in the bathroom", "who wakes up grumpier", "who hogs the bed", stuff like that. They had everybody laughing harder with every answer. And the blush on both their faces was priceless at times.

After that they dismissed tables to get their food. It was around 4:30 and they were both starving. They had a handful of people come up and congratulate them while they ate, and or compliment how great they both looked.

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