Pushing Luck

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Continued after the lunch conversation.

Taylor told Joe she'd come over to his place after work tonight so they could finish the conversation from earlier. He was looking forward to clearing the air but also worried about how it was going to go.

"Hey." They both said at the door.

"How was the rest of your day?" He asked and went in for a quick hug.

"Fine, you?"

"Okay. I went to the gym, laundry mat, nothing else really." He said as he let go from the hug.

"Nice." Now it was awkward, the silence.

"So let's just jump right into it I guess." He suggested and headed to the couch to sit down. Taylor put her purse and things down before joining him. He could tell she was nervous and uneasy. So he grabbed her hand.

"Relax." He told her, the sweat of her palms proved she was nervous. Which there was no reason for. They were just talking about things. He had no intention of breaking up with her or something if she wouldn't want to move in together yet. He wasn't a jackass.

"I don't know why I've just been so nervous about what your gonna say." She said.

"I'm not going to force you into anything, you know that right?"


"Good. I just thought it would be easier to move in together rather back and forth to both our places. I mean...do you remember the last time we didn't spend the night together?" He asked with a laugh.

"Uh no haha." She laughed.

"My point exactly." He told her and then waited to hear what she had to say.

"I understand what you mean, I guess this is all just a lot. I never had a guy willing to deal with everything I bring to the table, let alone this quickly." She said.

"You've never had someone who actually loves and cares for you then."

"I guess." She shrugged.

"No you don't guess. It's the truth, I can't believe you've been treated as badly as you have. I mean no wonder your scared to take the next step in this relationship. You've been broke and beaten in the past too many times." He said with frustration.

"Literally..." she rolled her eyes.

"I didn't mean it to sound so harsh I'm sorry."

"No it's true. I've never really let my walls down, they've never asked me too, and I've never felt like they cared to know." She shook her head.

"Because you've dated boys, all looking for one thing. A real man commits, and builds a life with the women he loves. We fight for you." Joe professed, he brought tears to his own eyes along with hers. She wiped hers away quickly.

"That's what I want. I want the guy I marry to fight for me and move heaven and earth to make me happy. That sounds so bratty. I can't believe I just said that." She put her forehead in her hands.

"Why? That's how it should be."

"No. It sounds too bold." She shook her head.

"I don't think that at all. You shouldn't settle for anything less. I want to be that for you."

"You already have been."

"But let me take care of you. I know you don't need me to, but let me in. Let me love you how you deserve to be loved." He told her. She looked at the emotion in his face, he was legit.

"Are you sure?" She told him with a shake in her voice. He gripped her hand a little tighter and they rested there heads together.

"Positive." He told her, she smiled and then they kissed for a couple seconds.

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