About that kiss

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Sunday May 1st 2022
"You've been quiet, what's on your mind Joe?" Frank asked around the Reagan family dinner table on this beautiful Sunday evening.

"Uh nothing. Just relationship stuff."

"Oh man. First fight?" Erin questioned.

"What'd you do!?" Sean asked.

"Ha no nothing like that. Just trying to figure out how to tell her something tonight without having her freak out at me."

"Well does she need to know?" Danny asked.

"Danny!" Eddie said.

"What? Haven't you ever heard that saying, what she don't know won't hurt?" He defended.

"Have you ever heard honesty is the best policy?" Erin replied.

"How bout happy spouse happy house?" Jamie added.

"That's a good one." Henry pointed at Jamie and said.

"There not married." Danny pointed out.

"Same goes." Eddie added.

"Sorry Danny, I'm with them." Frank said.

"Yeah sorry man, same." Joe said hitting his back, everyone agreed. Danny shrugged and kept eating.

After dinner Jamie and Joe got talking alone in the other room. Jamie wanted to know what was going on and see if he could help.

"So let's hear it." Jamie handed him a beer and sat down on the couch.

"Thanks, hear what?" Joe questioned.

"Your speech, how you gonna say it, whatever it is you gotta say."

"Oh that, I don't know man." He sighed and rubbed her face and hands through his hair.

"It can't be that bad." Jamie said.

"No it's bad. Remember Taylor?" He asked.

"From the assult case?"

"Yeah, so you know we had a thing before I met Kelsey, nothing serious, just...fun. Anyway, through all this stuff with her she grew I guess another attraction for me and long story short...she kissed me the other night at her place-"

"Damn." Jamie interrupted but then Joe continued

"Yeah anyway, I stopped it but I haven't been able to shake it. I don't know if it's because I know Kelsey needs to know about it or I feel so guilty because deep down I think I still really like her."

"Geez. That's a tough one, I'd tell Kelsey, the whole story, answer all the questions honestly. Not about having feelings for Taylor though and see how you feel after that." Jamie suggested.

"Yeah. I know. I just, I don't know dude. She's been cranky lately." He said shaking his head.

"Yeah, they all get like that sometimes, just gotta ride it out." He said shrugging and then the conversation was dropped when everyone else came in to watch tv.

Joe texted Kelsey and asked if she'd be up for hanging out a little, beings dinner was over earlier then thought.

"Hey." She answered the door in her pajama shorts and white cropped t shirt, her hair up in a bun, and her glasses on.

"Were you sleeping?" He asked greeting her with a hug.

"Not really, just resting my eyes." She said and walked back to her couch.

"Long day?" He asked following.

"Not really, I don't know why I'm so tired honestly. I didn't get a ton of sleep last night I guess."

"Well I won't stay long, I wanted to run something by you." He said and sat on the couch on the opposite end.


"I should've told you sooner but I was scared."

"Okay...?" It was at this moment Kelsey's face changed to a worried.

"I'm only telling you this because I don't wanna keep secrets, and I personally feel like it isn't my fault and I did the right thing."

"Your fucking scaring me." She said, her heart was starting to race. Joe took her hand and held it, looking at it while he talked.

"The other night, you know how Taylor called me freaking out, scared?" He questioned her knowledge.

"Yup." She took her hand from Joe and crossed her arms, getting defensive already, not liking where this was going. Joes hands played with themselves in his lap now.


"Did you screw her!?" She accused.

"No! Kelsey no! Stop, just listen! She was very upset, she was shaking, I gave her a hug before I left and she kissed me."

"Fuck." She got up shaking her head and walked off. Joe followed her to the kitchen where she went.

"SHE kissed me! And I stopped it! It wasn't longer then 2 seconds!" He told her firmly. This was exactly how he thought she'd react.

"Why!? She knows about me right!?"

"Yes of course! I don't know why she did it, I think she just... wanted me to stay."

"Fuck her." She threw her hands in the air.

"She was upset babe, she apologized for it the other day even, said she shouldn't have because she KNOWS about you. I didn't want this to be an argument Kels. I thought you'd be happy I told you! Cause you should know, if this happened to younger me, I wouldn't have told you. But I'm trying to be better, I'm trying to fully commit to you, only you." He explained.

"Whatever." She walked back into the living room.

"Your mad."

"I'm allowed to be! Let me be mad about this right now and I'll let you know when I'm over it." She went and sat on the couch pulling her blanket over her. Joe followed her and stood there.

"I'm sorry." He said not really knowing what else to say. She didn't say anything, he sat down with her.

"Let me make it up to you?" He ran his hands over her as a seduction mannerism.

"Are you kidding me?"

"What? Little make up sex never hurt?" He suggested.

"I don't want to have sex with you right now."

"Okay. Well do you want me to go or stay?"

"Go. I'm too tired. I just wanna go to sleep."

"Okay." Joe accepted her answer and got up to leave her be.

"See ya tomorrow night?" He kissed her forehead, she didn't seem open to a kiss on the lips.

"No, I'm working."


"Going out with my friends." She was short with him.

"Okay. Well you let me know when you want to hangout." He started to leave.


"Wednesday it is. Hopefully your not still mad at me by then." He said and left.
Well that went to shit LOL. I guess he sorta expected her to react like that, at least she didn't break up with him though. Things are looking up! Leave your thoughts!

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