𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿 ||ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴀᴅ||

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Robin gets up and sits next to me.
"Y/n I'm actually really sorry I shouldn't have made you frustrated." Robin says.
"Right......thanks. It wasn't really your fault though." I pause and look around. "It's just like I said earlier when you asking me if I was okay, how I said I'm just mad and confused. So yeah that was really it, if anything I should be the one saying sorry, I started the argument."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Robin. I don't want to feel like I'm in therapy."
"Rightttt sorry." She laughs a little and I do too. "But are you and that guy-
"Yeah him, are you and Chance together?" Robin asks.
"No! No, we're not."
"Okay but you were like very close togetherrrrrr"
"That was weird. He was being weird, I don't know why he did that." I say shrugging.
"Okay then but if you do start dating anyone, I wanna know."
"I take it that means we're friends?"
"Yes, yes we are." I laughed. It was like we were ten year old girls.

Time skip

We all get out of the caravan and go into Eddie's trailer. Steve climbs the rope first landing perfectly on his feet. He looks at us as if waiting for us to do something.
"Ooo. What does he want us to do applaud?" Robin says sarcastically.
"He actually probably does." I laugh.
Steve places the mattress underneath the rope in the upside down. I climb the rope next (with the help of Robin of course.) I land on the mattress with the sick feeling of being tossed upside down. Steve helps me up. Nancy falls in then Robin then Eddie and lastly dustin.

We were split into two groups of three. It sucked. Robin, Nancy and Steve were in a group which left me, Eddie and Dustin to be in a group. But it was no time to be childish, we had to work together to save Max so I have to push aside my annoyance with Eddie and hopefully we can get it done.
"Don't try and be cute or be hero's just stick to plan okay?" Steve says to us as they're about to leave.
"Don't worry Steve, you'll get to play the hero." Dustin says.
"I mean look at us." Eddie joins in. "We are not hero's." He laughs.
"Yeah alright, we'll good luck. Y/n, don't do anything stupid, don't stab Eddie, don't accidentally drop a knife on your hand. Just be careful." Steve says.
"Thanks, thanks Harrington. Your not as bad as I rem-" I stop myself and change what I was going to say. "Your not as bad as you seemed in high school."
"Thanks. I think." He laughs and the walks off, I wave at Robin as she follows him.
"Okay let's get to work." Eddie says more to Dustin than to me but I know it still applies to me.

Finally, we finish putting chicken wire around all of Eddie's trailer.
"We miss anything?" He asks.
"Not that I'm aware of." I say shrugging.
"Well your blind as a bat so I don't think it's matter if you're aware of it or not."
"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes. Eddie walks into his trailer, me and Dustin follow him.
"It's like she was made for another dimension." Eddie says in awe as he picks up his guitar.
"Mm bet she was." I roll my eyes.
"What would you know you don't even-
"Shut up! We're fixing Max's problem then you two can argue all you want." Dustin says sick of us.
"Right sorry, are you read for the most metal concert of all time?"
"Is that a rhetorical question?" Dustin laughs.
I have to admit Eddie has amazing guitar skills and I was excited to see him play again.

"Okay! Here we go!" Eddie says before he begins to play master of puppets.
It's loud but it's good, it's really good. I miss my best friend even though it's only been about 2 hours since we started arguing it feels like years.
"Okay that was fabulous but we gotta go!" I yell
"Okay let's go!"
We run down back into the trailer as quick as possible, Eddie only just slams the door in time.
"Fuck that was close." I say out of breath. We all look up at the roof, we can hear the bats pounding on it. "Yep okay time to go." I say walking away, they follow me but the pounding gets REALLY loud so we stop and look up.
"Oh fucking hell the vent of course!" I yell annoyed just as the bats burst in. I try to think of something as we fight off the bats. After a bit of fighting them off Eddie slams one of our shields into the roof.
"Okay we seriously have to go!" He yells, we follow him into the room where the rope waits for us.
Dustin climbs up first, Eddie helps me up next. As soon as I land on the mattress I roll out if the way. Eddie begins to climb but he stops.
"Eddie?" Dustin asks.
"Eddie why have you stopped!?" I ask him genuinely worried but he doesn't look back at us. He gets off the rope, cuts it in half, pushes the mattress aside so we don't follow him then leaves.
"EDDIE!" We both scream
"Shit shit shit shit."
"What'd we do?" I ask Dustin.
"Why should I know!?"
"Because your a nerd? I don't know!" I'm really upset, I don't know what to do. My best friend could die and I would never know if he forgave me or not.

Dustin begins to place a chair in a certain spot mumbling something as he goes, he the moves it a little left or a little right. This happened about 30 times before he said.
"Okay I've got it, let's go."
"What are we doing?" I ask as fast I can but I can't he's already running at the chair and jumping into the upside. He lands uncomfortably on his leg.
"Shit man you right!?"
"Yep. Your turn."
"Right Um okay." God I hope I do okay and don't break my neck. I run and jump, surprisingly I land on back with only a little bit of uncomfortableness.
"Do you want me to wait for you or do you want me to run ahead?" I ask Dustin, he'll be slower because he landed on his leg.
"Please run ahead."
"Okay, bye!" I say running out the door to try and find Eddie.
"Eddie!? Eddie! God Eddie where are you!?" I yell as I run around. I see a space a little down the road, lots of bats lying in the ground and in the centre.....Eddie.
"Fuck me Munson are you alright!?" I say I run up to him kneeling at his side.
"No, no I'm not." He shakes his head. "Also in the nicest way possible, I don't wanna fuck you." He laughs, blood surrounds his mouth. I smile at him, I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.
"Where's Dustin?"
"He's on his way. He told me to find you first, he hurt his leg so he'll be a little slower but he'll be here soon. I promise."
"Okay, okay." He pauses looking at me. "Y/n?"
"You know I'm gonna die right?"
"Don't say that! Please man. Please." The tears roll out if my eyes and they don't stop.
"I...I just...because I know I'm gonna probably die then I..I want you to know that I'm sorry I yelled at you an-and got mad."
"Don't apologise Ed. You just didn't wanna lose your best friend but" I laugh a little. "Here I am crying over your body, as you say soon to be dead."
"Yeah it is a little funny but um Y/n, I wanna be serious for once. Please?"
"As Sirius as David Bowie." I nod.
"Please don't leave Dustin and all them sheep once I'm gone for the jocks and stuff because they all really like you. Especially Gareth, he says your like his big sister and you would really be the closest thing they would have to me. I'm I'm not saying you have to be the leader of hellfire but uh please don't leave them." He smiles at me through his tears and I smile back through mine. "I love you, you annoying Bitch."
"I love you too Munson."
"Speaking of love there's someone that we've been hanging out with lately who I think really likes you and I think you really like them too. So I hope you end up together."
"Steve?" I ask theres no one else-Robin. I don't wanna ask him because what if he's not talking about her? That'd just be weird.
"No no no, it's not Steve. And by the look on your face a few seconds ago you know who I'm talking about but I won't say and neither will you so please just once I'm gone do what you think I'd want." He gives me a weak smile then Dustin suddenly appears at his side.

They start talking to each other. I don't listen but I stay there, next to Eddie holding his hand as he talks to the upset child.
"I love you man." He says to Dustin and I know, he's knows. In a few seconds the life in him will be nonexistent.
"I love you too." Dustin sobs and that's it, Eddie's eyes go still and I can't feel a pulse in his wrist.
I don't say anything. I just sit there and look at my best friends lifeless body. I get up and walk back a few meters then scream my heart out. Just a scream. It didn't make me feel better but I wanna do it again. I don't.
"What the fuck is wrong with me?" A question that I asked him multiple times only to be reassured it wasn't me. It was the people around me but now, that's no more, now it's just the Polaroids on my bedroom wall.

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𝐿𝑜𝚟𝑒𝑑 (𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗻 𝗕𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿)Where stories live. Discover now