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"Why is he here?" I questioned, looking over at Petra who was just as confused as me.

Mary shrugs her shoulders, "He said that it's important, it's best if the both of you guys come."

Petra and I both make our way to the foyer, where my men are surrounded by Ricki.

"Mr. Romano, we need to talk," Ricki says, looking at us with a mix of emotions in his eyes.

"Mr. Gambino, what is it? We haven't heard from you since the ball." I say as I pull Petra to my side possessively.

I found it weird that Ricki randomly showed up at my house, especially unannounced. Ricki never is the one to come over to people's houses, most of the time you have to go to his to talk to him.

"It's about my wife and son. Also the Russian Mafia." He tells me, his voice shaky and low.

I pause for a moment and then say, "Let's go to my office."

We all began walking towards my office with my men following behind us closely, as soon as we got into my office I told the guards to wait outside.

"Please have a seat," I tell him, as I help Petra sit down in my spot. Instead of pulling up a chair I stay standing up beside her.

Ricki takes a seat across from us, before sitting up more in the chair. There is an awkward silence between us.

"What's going on?" I questioned, breaking the silence.

He exhaled deeply before saying, "As you guys may know, my wife and son went missing the night of the ball. I'm sorry if I haven't contacted you in the past few months, but I've been trying to find out who took them."

I nodded my head, "You're good, I understand completely where you're coming from Mr. Gambino."

Ricki lets out a sigh and says, "Last week, I found a package on my doorstep. When I opened it, it was my.." He paused for a moment as he took in a deep shaky breath, "My wife's head."

Petra put her hand over her mouth as he gasped, I stood silent at this response, I didn't know how to respond to this. Either I say something stupid, or I just keep shut and let him continue.

Who would've done this to Ricki though? He is the most well-respected man in the underworld, everyone even the Russian Mafia knows not to disrespect him.

After a moment, he looked back up at us with teary eyes, "Later that night, a letter came. I don't know who delivered the letter, but it was from someone from this underworld. When I was reading the letter, the person confessed about how he killed my beloved Diana, and they now will keep my son unless I give out any information about you, Mr. Romano."

"When I got done reading the letter, it was signed by someone. The handwriting seems very familiar as if it was Tobias who wrote it." He finally says as he looks up at me.

I furrowed my brows, "I killed him that night, right after he shot me I shot him in the head. He can't be alive."

"Unless he's not." Petra whispers as she looks up at me, "Tobias is smart, he isn't stupid, he will know what you are up to months before you plan it."

"How do you know him?" Ricki asked as his attention shifted from me to Petra.

"I was married to him and had his child." She replies, "He was a horrible man."

"You're Reina Colombo." He said, "You're his missing wife."

"I ran away with my daughter, and please don't use my actual name. I go by Petra now." She tells him.

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