Text Messages/THIRD person POV

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So I was like hey maybe I need a different, New perspective (HAH) and I was like hey how about I just do a text convo between the guys and stuff and you try and found out what's going on. The point is to come up with your own explanation and eventually it will go into third POV where it explains everything. Let me know if you love or hate it, it would help a lot ;-; thank you guys c:

Frank: Good morning guise. What up?
Mikey: your bf's in the shower and I'm straightening my hair. You?
Frank: Showering with my boyfriend (;
Gerard: does the bathroom count?
Ray: omfg xD
Frank: Hey bby, missed ya ;*
Mikey: oh so you didn't shower together?
Bob: btw, happy birthday Ray can't wait to give you my present
Frank: Will money work?
Ray: thanks Bob and yeah idk I don't need anything
Gerard: Ray and Bob sitting in a tree B-A-R-F-I-N-G
Mikey: I ship it
Ray: NO
Bob: who do you think I am?
Gerard: Ray's bf. Duh.
Mikey: and the ship has sailed.
Ray: you guys are the worst
Frank: ROB
Ray: whatever, you guys wanna meet at the 7/11? I could use a soda.
Bob: who's paying this time?
Ray: I think it's mine
Frank: I got it. As a birthday present
Bob: he's gonna like mine better twerp cx
Frank: let's not get ahead of ourselves. I think mine is the best.
Ray: UGH
Bob:Yeah we'll see what Ray has to say about that.
Mikey: whatever
Frank: where'd Gerard go?
Mikey: idk I think he left a few mins ago. Hmm
Bob: I'm omw to the gas station, we gonna meet or what?
Ray: nah keep going it takes you longer

*fifteen minutes later*

   Mikey sat at his usual table with Ray, Bob, and Frank. The only thing that differentiated him from the crowd was the smirk on his face. Who knows what he was up to.

   Frank, being the happy-go-lucky person that he is didn't notice the change in Mikey's usual expression. He was too busy bouncing around in the booth waiting for Gerard to come.

   Bob found it odd that Mikey was acting different, but didn't really care. He thought that it was a great improvement to see him smile, and hey, if he were happier, who was Bob to rain on his parade? That's just rude.

   Ray suspected it had something to do with Gerard's sudden disappearance. He linked it to his birthday being today. Every year, on someone's birthday, everyone competed to see who's gift was the best. The winner got bragging rights until the next birthday.

   Frank had a tissue paper wrapped box that was long and thin and had a bow tied around it. Bob had a medium sized cardboard box. He didn't even bother to wrap it, he just covered the box in Sharpie saying things like happy birthday and stuff like that.

   "I'll be right back", Mikey said at a glance of his phone.

   Rays heart pounded as his suspicions were slightly confirmed.

   Gerard and Mikey struggled through the door with a large rectangular box.

   "Gees, way to get carried away guys", Frank laughed.

   Bob analyzed it and knew almost instantly what it was. Ray had an idea, and once again, Frank was too jumpy to try and realize what it was.

    "Are we ready to go?" Gerard asked, sitting next to Frank and grasping for his hand blindly but instead accidentally reaching for his crotch.

   Frank jumped away startled and laughed.

   "Gee not in public", he shrieked, tears streaming down his face from laughter.

   The other guys didn't know what was going on but everyone was so eager to see what was gotten, that they didn't question it.

   We all started with a round of 99¢ sodas and a pack of knock off oreos, courtesy of Frank. This is what possessed Ray to open Frank's real present first.

   It was a journal. But not just any journal, it had staff's on the inside to write music with.

    "Thanks so much Frank, it's perfect", Ray smiled and hugged Frank.

   "Hands off", Gerard joked.

    We all laughed at the joke as Ray moved on to Bob's gift. He opened it to reveal a mini amplifier.

   "My guitar is way to old to work with these Bob", Ray said sarcastically, already suspecting a new guitar. "However will I use this".

   Bob chuckled and Ray thanked him.

   "Best for last", the Way brothers muttered.

   Everyone faced them and gave a death glare.

   Ray opened it and jumped when he found the guitar he had been begging for for ages.

    His heart skipped a beat and he was so excited to try it out.

    He got carried away with tuning it that he forgot to announce the winner.

    "Ahem", Frank cleared his throat.

   "Huh? Oh, the winner iiiis-", Ray paused for dramatic effect. "ME!!!!"

   We all groaned at the overused joke but found it funny none the less.

   Needless to say, we could hear Ray from 10 blocks over now!!


   That was intense.


Frerard One-Shots #Wattys2016 [currently being edited]Where stories live. Discover now