Frank Iero's POV~ 15 years old

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Gerard and I were in the lobby of the high school at the bright hour of seven a.m. on the first day of spring break. Mikey, Ray, and Bob were there too, but Gerard was with me. Him and I held our hands in that "platonic" matter while we waited to load the bus to the airport. 

Our school's year round trip to a different country was about to start, and I had butterflies in my stomach. This is the first year I was able to pay for the plane ticket, passport, food expenses, and hotel fees to go on this trip. The five of us have been saving every penny we could for the past four years.

This year, we were all going to Italy. I was practically jumping with excitement as we got into the bus and Gerard and I sat in the very last seat together. Bob sat in the right seat that can only hold one person and Ray and Mikey sat in front of him. We buzzed about our excitement the whole way there. 

Except for Gerard. Not being used to this, he slowly tilted his head and fell asleep on my shoulder. My stomach did a flip when I looked over and his lovely smelling hair was in my face. When we stopped at the airport, he slowly stirred awake. The five of us waited until very last to get off. 

We were all extremely eager as we waited at the gate for the next half hour. Our plane was delayed, so Gerard and I went to grab donuts for everyone and picked up a few packs of gum and got a twelve pack of Coca Cola that we all jammed in our carry-ons . We all munched down on pink frosted sprinkled donuts when the plane arrived. 

This plane was all maxed out for our class only, and it was going to be pretty fun for the next two days on the god forsaken plane. Most of the people who were going were pretty okay! No one who has ever directly bullied us, so I could tell it wasn't going to be bad.

Especially with Gerard there.

We boarded our plane. If you've ever seen an international plane, it had two seats on both sides and three in the middle. It was huge and luxurious. Of course, the five of us sat in the very back. Mikey, Ray, and Bob sat in the middle seat, and they elected me and Gerard to sit on the left side. On the right side, our friends Jamia and Lindsey sat down. Everyone was extremely hyper for a few hours until they dimmed the lights and turned on an in-flight movies.

It was some cheesy romantic comedy, so while everyone quieted down and had the occasional laugh, Gerard and I turned to each other and began playing little games like Twenty Questions, Would You Rather, and so on. 

Eventually, him and I ran out of games. We began just talking.

"What's your favorite thing in the entire world?" he asked me.

I thought. This one brought out something in me. When we were little, Gerard and I smooched, held hands, confessed our love for each other, and things along those lines. But did he like me? Was that us just being kids? I wanted to say, "You Gerard", but I decided against it.

"I really like, umm... Video games?" I stuttered out.

His facial expression changed to hurt for a split second before he gained his composure again.

"Same. Your turn", he smiled.

"Be honest, how much do you obsess over your hair?" I giggled. 

"I spend twenty five hours a day", he stuck out his tongue. 

"I thought so", I smiled.

"What is one thing that annoys you?" he asked me.

"To be honest?" I thought. "When I specifically order something without meat and they throw it in anyways. Like no, I don't want to spend half my meal picking it out".

"Understandable", he nodded. "I could see why".

We continued like this until the movie was shut off and people began to get their in-flight lunch and dozing off. I slowly dropped my head on Gerard's shoulder like he did on the bus to me.

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