preview; the millionaire waltz trailer (enola holmes 2 trailer part 1)

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preview; the millionaire waltz trailer (enola holmes 2 trailer part 1)

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preview; the millionaire waltz trailer (enola holmes 2 trailer part 1)

Feet slam against the bricked ground that is the streets of London. Two girls, Enola Holmes and Amélie Bissonnette, run together, their dresses swaying their each step they took and their hands held tight together. The French one would excuse it later as "trying to stay together", but they were girlfriends... who apparently could only hold hands in public when running from the law.

"Excuse me!" Enola shouts, pushing past a large group of people.

Amélie, a little more flustered about running away from the law, yells back, "Pardon me. We're so sorry!"

"STOP THOSE GIRLS!" One of the two policemen chasing them screams.

Through the city and down the street, they go. Past cars, past people, past lined laundry wires, past shops, the girls stopped for nothing... especially not the yells from the law.

"Come Back!"


The girls sprint under a bricked arch, Enola leading the way for Amélie. They stay close, Amélie tightening her fingers around Enola's hand the more they ran.


Enola and Amélie find themselves trapped, only bales of hay and a wall greeted them. The policemen catch up to them and stood where the entered. Amélie tensed, but Enola stepped forward to defend the girl. She readied herself to fight.

What had they gotten themselves into?

Enola whipped her head around with a tiny smile, "Perhaps I should explain—"

"No, Nola." A thick French voice spoke up. Amélie looks in the same direction as Enola, something she has never done, "I think it's time they heard from me." She flashes her infamous Bissonnette smile with a little wave.


Amélie's voice continues the voice over for the rest of the trailer: "Um. Bonjour mes amis. Is it alright if I call you my friends? Enola thinks of you as such. My name is Amélie Bissonnette. I hope the... audience out there remembers me. I'm afraid I've never done this before so bare with me."

Amélie's voice speaks over the beginning part of The Millionaire Waltz by Queen, slow waltzing piano music with Freddie Mercury's singing.

"If I could dream a little harder, would I change anything?" Amélie pondered. "I was happy... honestly, I'd still say I am. Very happy. I love the way my life is. I wouldn't trade it for the world."

Amélie and Enola rest in the French girl's large bed. A montage of different activities in the room such as puzzles, cuddles, sketching and... passionate makeouts plays as she speaks, "My girlfriend, Enola, you know her well. You know my longing dreaming story too, so I won't go into that. Just know—"

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