sixteen; saving enola

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chapter sixteen; saving enola

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chapter sixteen; saving enola

The light taps from feet kept Amélie just grounded enough. Her legs swung back and forth, causing her dress to move with it. Within her, she felt... it was hard to describe... odd? She never truly felt this way before: so excited and yet... so nervous. She wanted more than anything to be reunited with Enola, but what if the girl still remembered that kiss? The conflict within raged on, but there was a glimmer of hope for her dreams. She would see the girl she liked more than anything in the whole world. To be by her side again, friendship or more, would make Amélie the happiest person in all of Europe.

The girl couldn't get her hopes up now. She needed to stay focused. Her eyes wandered, distracting herself with the landscape to avoid slipping into her dream world. The world was beautifully painted with greens and blues and... wonderful colors. To see the world in such wonderous light in these circumstances would be odd... if it wasn't due to Amélie's heart beating incredible fast and effecting her thoughts.


Well... this was it. Today was the day. The day the plan would be executed. The plan to save Enola was in progress. They were already on their way to Miss Harrison's Finishing School by carriage. Even though it was near noon and broad daylight, they had the perfect plan.

The two boys, Pierre and Tewkesbury, sat next to Amélie, one on each side just as Amélie requested. She already she she'd be slightly nervous and wanted both boys at her side. Of course they obliged. When they noticed her gaze drifting, the boys gripped her hand in reassurance. Everything would be okay. They would save Enola. That's what their eyes communicated to her, and she believed it.

André sat across from the three teenagers with his arms crossed and his head leaning back against the wall of the carriage.  There was risk in the plan, especially if he got involved, but it was worth it to see his little sister happy. Also... there was his hatred of Mycroft that may have also pushed him to help. He orchestrated the carriage in and wanted to make sure these teens got close and would be as safe as possible before leaving them. André was a man who never broke his word and he would help these kids no matter what.

The carriage slowly pulled to a stop as they passed the large finish school. Out of sight and out of mind. The trees from inside the proper blocked view of the carriage from the school. A perfect dropping spot. Amélie's breath hitched in her throat. They were here. They were actually here! So close to Enola!

André reached below him and pulled out a large box, obviously large enough to hold a person. "I can't stay. It'll ruin your cover completely. As much as I wish to help you take her away, this is the best I can do without hurting myself or getting anyone else in trouble." He informed the group, pushing the box to Pierre. The two boys helped each other take the box out of the carriage, leaving André and Amélie. The two Bissonnettes.

Amélie genuinely smiled, a whole hearted love filled smile. She threw her arms around his neck for an embrace. And as much as the man hated physical contact, he accepted it. He had done so much for her... and he always did this. Always helped. Always did everything possible to make her happy. She held on tight and André wouldn't let go till she was ready.

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