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It was October 29th; a few days before Halloween. That meant the amount of pranks that were happening doubled across the week.

Just like every year.

This also meant Amelia, Theo and Blake found themselves in more and more detentions (Daphne kept out of their pranking business, claiming she was too gorgeous to participate).

On top of the pranking war zones that were happening in the corridors, lessons were painfully slow and boring.

No teachers were holding back anymore; amount of given was homework increased. Amelia often found herself day dreaming in most of her classes.

Astronomy being one of the few she didn't allow herself to.

She never found out the exact reason why.

Perhaps it was because it was her uncles who taught the class or maybe it was simply because she enjoyed listening to them talk about her family, with full hatred and no holding back.

No matter the reason, she wouldn't lie, she actually enjoyed Astronomy and found herself getting good grades in the class.

"You ready?" Asked Daphne, who was sat on her bed reading her book.

As always Amelia was the last one to get ready for Astronomy.

"Yeah. Did the others already go?" The girl replied to which she got a nod as a response.

"Yeah they wanted to get our usual seats."

Daphne got off her assigned bed and quickly stuffed her book away somewhere then she dragged Amelia out of the dorm room.

Just like every time they walked to the tower, Amelia complained about how late Astronomy class was.

"Okay but why does it have to be at 2:30am?" She'd say. "What's wrong with it being at 9 or 10 when it gets dark."

Getting sick and tired of having the same conversation with her best friend she'd give the same answer as always.

"I don't know maybe the stars can be easily seen at this time."

By the time they arrived the lesson had already started but that's not worried Amelia; she couldn't care less about missing some of the lesson.

The thing she noticed was how they now had a seating plan. Everybody was separated from their friends.

Regulus Black was the first to see the pair. "Nice to see that you two finally showed up."

"Why the fuck do we have a seating plan and since when did you work here?" Amelia asked, staring around the place.

Already it looked awful.

Daphne elbowed her friend in the side and Blake started laughing, from her seat beside Draco. Not realising what she had done wrong she hit her friend back as payback.

Raising his eyebrows Regulus spoke. "So that you actually get work done miss. Black."

"You know how strange that sounds." The youngest Black responded uncomfortably.

It was strange how he called her by her surname considering he himself was a Black.

This made Sirius laugh even more for some reason; Amelia looked at him as if he had truly gone insane,

"Miss. Greengrass you'll be sat next to Mr. Longbottom, Miss. Black you're allocated next to Miss. Granger." He informed the two.

Both walked to sit down where they were told but not before Amelia was able to say another comment.

"Allocated? Now you are starting to remind me of Walburga."

Now the other Slytherins were beginning to laugh yet the loudest voices belonged to Sirius Black. Regulus face went red and muttered something incoherent.

Somehow the two Blacks got the class to be silent and Amelia reluctantly sat next to Granger. She never liked the girl; she thought she was annoying and was always trying to show off but she must admit for not growing up with all of the magic she was surprised to see her nearly always at the top of the class.

The lesson itself wasn't awful, although it could've been better. It started off with the brothers complaining about their family.

Much to everyone's disappointment towards the end of the lesson they actually had to do some work, what made it even worse was that Amelia had to work with Hermione Granger.

"Look for the Bellatrix constellation would you." She commanded her, this didn't sit right with Amelia.

"First of all I don't need to look for it, I already know what it looks like dumbass. You know because she's in my family. Second of all don't boss me around, I know a lot more than you, especially in this subject and finally it's a star, in-fact it's the third brightest star in the Orion constellation."

This seemed to shut her up because for the rest of the lesson she didn't once try to speak or boss her around again.

Sure, Amelia knew she probably shouldn't have come off so harsh but she was happy that she didn't have to interact with her.

Whilst she did most of the work Amelia just checked over her answered and added any extra details she missed.

Amelia had already started packing up when Sirius decided to announce that they had homework.

"You will have homework. You and your partner will need to work together as you have to pick one constellation and write all about it."

"What the actually fuck." Amelia mumbled to herself.

"Language Miss. Black."

"Sorry. What In the flying donuts." She corrected herself, wondering how he had even heard her in the first place.

Sirius rolled his eyes at my antics and announced the last thing. "Before you are able to leave you must have your work checked by either me or my brother."

Now Amelia let out a loud sigh and just to add to her amazing luck, they checked their work last.

"Your the first people to get everything right." Regulus said, sounding surprised.

This confused Amelia and also annoyed her slightly as they questioned her intelligence.

"Are you calling me dumb? You do realise most my, well I guess ours, family are named after constellations and stars. Including you two idiots."

Both just stood there blinking at her. They didn't say another word so Amelia took it as her que to leave.

"Meet me in the library Thursday after last lesson. I don't care if you already have plans, get rid of them." Amelia told the curly haired, who was still sat in the room.

With that, Amelia went back to bed blaming her exhaustion for her bad mood.

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