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The morning was enough stress alone for Amelia and she was dreading to think what was awaiting for her.

It started with everyone waking up late and doing last minute packing and then they had to quickly eat breakfast before setting off the train station.

Once they were finally there they ran through the wall. Immediately she was bombarded by people, who no doubt worked for the Daily Prophet.

Each of them asked her invasive questions and went to extreme measures to try and get them. Luckily for her, Draco and Theo were already there and were able to drag her onto the train.

When she was sure she was safe she spoke to the pair. "Thanks guys."

"No problem." They said in sync.

Amelia let herself smile and quickly turned around when she heard footsteps; they were Pansy's. She ran towards the girl and pulled her into a hug.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked.

Although her and Pansy weren't the closest, the girl being closer to Daphne, Amelia was still thankful knowing Pansy had her back.

"Im fine." Amelia told her, forcing a smile on her face.

Soon after, Amelia managed to excuse herself to find Blake. The girl was already in the compartment with Daphne.

Theo and Amelia entered and took their seats.

"I can't believe them," Blake complained, "it's ridiculous."

Daphne agreed with her. "ministry should've known this would happen. Should've put something in place."

"It is fucked up," Amelia said, "it's okay though."

Theo raised his eyebrows, "your okay with being thrown into a new family?"

"No." Amelia sighed out, "but there's not much I can do is there?"

"I suppose not." He mumbled.

"It should've be like this at all. If I was you I wouldn't even go into any of their houses again. You can stay with any of us at the holidays." Daphne said gently.

"That's only if I get permission of James, Daphne. You know they'd just storm in and force me there otherwise." Amelia reminded her.

"I hate the Potters, they're all so arrogant as they walk around the ministry. Even the blacks." Theo rolled his eyes. "No offence Amelia."

"None taken."

"Are you excited for your first Quidditch match of the year?" Blake asked.

"Kind of. It's against the Ravenclaws and they have a good team this year." Explained Amelia.

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