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During her suspension, Amelia spent it either reading or sneaking out. Majority of the time Regulus was at the Ministry of Magic meaning Amelia rarely saw him, not that she was bothered.

She also hadn't seen Leo since she was dragged here, so she assumed he had gone back to Hogwarts.

The person, well creature, she saw the most was the house elf, she had learnt her name was Delilah and just like Regulus had told her she was extremely nice.

Blake never wrote back to her nor did any of her other friends, by the third day of having no response she wrote another letter asking about them and why they hadn't sent her a letter back but still she had gotten no reply.

Sneaking out wasn't that hard, Lila was often at the Potters - she asked multiple times if Amelia wanted to go along with her but each time she rejected her.

Her grandmother was already going to have a go at her at Christmas she didn't want her to have another reason to completely murder her.

In other words, Amelia Black was left alone for hours a day. Of course it was easy for her to sneak out.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" Lila asked her for the fourth time that day.

And for the fourth time Amelia responded, "I'll be fine I promise." She also wanted to add, 'im going out anyway' but decided it was best not to.

She had never asked them if she was allowed out but decided against it, not wanting the answer to be no.

That would make it a lot harder to go out.

"Alright, feel free to get food or anything else if you need it. Regulus will probably be home before I am."

The teenager nodded and watched as Lila used the floo powder to the Potter manor. She waited a few minutes, making sure the coast was one hundred percent clear before she could go out.

The day was a Saturday, it also happened to be the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year and Amelia did not want to miss out.

She had waited three years to be allowed to go and she wasn't going to miss a single weekend.

She easily found the floo powder and quickly rushed to the fire place, Amelia already had a plan forming in her head.

There were only two fireplaces in Hogwarts that she knew were connected to the Blacks house: the one in Dumbledores office and the one in the Defence against the dark outs classroom.

Considering it was a Saturday she decided to floo to the classroom one, hoping none of the teachers were in there.

Thankfully, none were and she was then able to go on step two of her plan. Step two was sneaking out of the castle without any teachers or Gryffindors seeing her.

If any other students saw the girl, they wouldn't bat a single eyelid but the Gryffindors would. Most of them hated her guts and would take up opportunities to get her into trouble.

She went through corridors she knew would be empty at this time and then used a secret passage way that led her straight to a shop right in Hogsmeade.

Smirking to herself she quietly moved out from behind boxes and headed straight to the three broomsticks where she hoped her friends would be.

Just like she thought, they were. All sat at a booth; laughing and talking to one another. She looked around and saw other students, each with butter beers in their hands.

One group was the Gryffindors and as Harry Potter caught her eye she quickly rushed to the table where her friends were.

"Move over Theo." She said, nudging him.

He did as he was told and moved.

Daphne squealed engulfing her in a hug. "What are you doing here!"

Amelia smiled at her friend and returned the hug. "There was no way I was missing out on a Hogsmeade weekend."

"We missed you." Theo commented, a smile imprinted on his face. In his hand he had a butter beer which he occasionally took a sip off.

Amelia raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "Did you though? Because you never once responded to any letters I sent you guys."

"Sorry that's my fault, my owl is super slow." Theo said.

"How did you even manage to sneak out?" Blake asked as she took a sip of her own butterbeer.

She had only just noticed that Amelia had arrived and was surprised she had made it all the way there without someone noticing.

"Your grandmother has a bunch of wards round the whole estate doesn't she?"

"She does," Amelia agreed, "but she's in France so I got dragged to Regulus house."

"And you managed to get away from Regulus?" Blake asked, raising a brow.

Amelia shrugged. "They practically left me on my own, it was easy."

"Well good job." Blake said, trying to be encouraging.

Daphne smirked, sipping her drink.

"Have you guys been anywhere yet?" Amelia asked.

"Nah, we got here like five minutes ago." Theo told her.

Not another word was exchanged between the students as professors Lupin and Potter cane strolling towards their table.

"Miss. Black I believe you're not meant to be here." Professor Lupin said.

"Sorry Professor." Amelia responded, standing up from the booth. "I'll see you guys Monday."

She then said to her friends before following her teachers out of the three broomsticks.

"Regulus has been worried sick you know. Sent us a howler as soon as he got home." Potter informed her.

"Bold of you to assume I care." Her tone was harsh and it immediately reminded James of Isabella.

As they got to the castle the professors led Amelia straight to Dumbledore office where a Regulus
Black was sat, nearly in tears.

His brother, Sirius, was also there and had a comforting hand on his shoulder. When Amelia entered the room both her uncles ran up to her shouting at her.

"What were you thinking!"

"You could've gotten lost!

"Or kidnapped!"

"Or killed!"

Their sentences bounced off one another, like they knew exactly what the other would say. Eventually she had gotten enough of their rambling.

"Chill out, I'm not dead nor am I kidnapped." She said in a matter of a fact tone.

Regulus cleared his throat then spoke to his teenage niece, who definitely acted more like her mother every second.

"Right, we'll uh. Let's go then. See you Monday professor Dumbledore."

It was only then did Amelia notice Dumbledore was even sat there, eating on some lemon sweets that she couldn't recognise.

She followed Regulus to the fireplace and together they used floo network back to the mansion.

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