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Immediately stepping into the Rhodes house, Amelia was pulled into a hug by Daphne. Blake had invited all three of them for the day.

It was the twenty-third of December, and after much convincing from Amelia, Sirius had finally gave in and let her go.

Originally, her Uncle had wanted to take her with the rest of the family to the Potter Household, where they were having a pre-Christmas party.

"Hello Daph." Amelia greeted with a smile. "Where's Blake and Theo?"

Her questions were answered as she heard more footsteps quickly rushing down the stairs. Theo and Blake were laughing and pushing one another as they greeted their friend.

"Hey there, Ame." Theo said, his cheerful voice bringing a small smile to her face.

Upon seeing her friend, Blake waved excitedly as she made her way down the stairs, Theo coming behind her.

"Hey you two." Amelia greeted hugging the both of them.

After everyone had said their greetings, Blake ushered them all into her room. "Quick, before my mum spots you and she'll steal you from me!"

Amelia looked around, before sitting on a beanbag in the corner of her friends room. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Well," Blake began, her voice carrying a cheerful and excited tone, "there's a Christmas market down the road. I thought since you guys grew up in the Wizarding world I'd show you how muggles celebrate."

"That's sounds fun." Daphne agreed.

"Yeah," Amelia said, "let's do it."

Growing up as a pureblood, Amelia had never experienced a juggle Christmas - she hadn't even watched a single Christmas movie.

"Oh boy, you are in for a treat then." Blake promised, smiling.

Blake had been through the market a thousand times before, but never with someone who hadn't experienced a Muggle Christmas before, it would be quite entertaining.

"Let's go!" Blake said and began to walk out of the room.

The group of four ventured out of the house and began walking on the streets, Blake leading them.

Blake led the group of four in the direction of the market, walking past some of the more expensive looking shops and finally turning down into the market square.

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