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The month quickly turned into December and Amelia wasn't sure how to feel.

It was a few days until the Christmas holidays and Amelia had no idea what she was doing.

Every year she usually went to Malfoy Manor but considering her and Draco weren't talking (due to him being rude about Blake) she doubted she'd be doing that.

Her next option was spending it at home but her grandmother still hadn't returned and was dealing with Ministry business (or so she told Amelia).

Hogwarts at Christmas wouldn't be that bad, or she hoped it wouldn't. Everybody she was avoiding wouldn't be there but they'd be in their own homes with their families.

That's what she thought her Christmas would be like; spending it alone in the walls of Hogwarts.

"I told you." Blake whispered.

They were in Ancient Ruins, one of the only classes the pair have together.

"Come spend Christmas with me and my family."

Amelia gave her a small smile. "My grandmother would never allow it, Blake."

Blake sighed, leaning back into her chair. "Why don't you tell her you've gone to Malfoy Manor and just come home to mine. Come on, you need to spend at least one Christmas the muggle way and besides my parents are happy to have you round to meet them!"

Amelia shrugged. "She'd find out, somehow."

"Think on it at least, please." Blake gave her friend the best puppy eyes she could.

"I'll see."

"Yes!" The girl exclaimed a bit too loudly. "Sorry, Professor."


That night, just before dinner, Amelia spent some time alone in the library in an attempt to finish most of her homework before Christmas break.

"Miss Black." She heard a voice coming from behind her startling her.

It was Professor Snape, her head of house.

"Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you, immediately." He said slowly before disappearing again out the library.

Amelia sighed and packed up her books, wondering what she had done this time. She hadn't pulled any pranks since she had gotten back from her suspension.

As she made her way to Dumbledores office, she watched as first and second years had a snowball fight.

She remembered when she and Theo had one, both of them had a cold for weeks afterwards.

Draco and Blaise just laughed at them from the side lines and constantly picked on them for it.

Entering the very familiar office she saw Dumbledore and professor Mcgonnagal there talking to one another.

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