The space girl

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published: 2-11-2022
edited: 6-4-2024

Thalias POV

"Thalia, come on we don't have all day" Phil yells to me. "Coming!" I yell while I quickly take my widow bites and my guns and run outside my office to see Phil waiting on me.

"Do I really have to go? I just finished an undercover mission." I ask Phil while we walk outside of the building. "Yeah, the director thinks it's better that we do this mission with us three." Phil explains to me. I look at him confused "Wait whose the third agent?" I ask him. "Agent Fury." He replies. "Nick is coming with us? That's new, he normally does solo missions." "Like I said the director thinks it's better this way."

We walk to our car and see Fury already wating on us. Phil sits in the passenger's seat so I have to take the backseats. Nick looks at Phil and then at me. "Why did it take so long?" I speak to answer him but Phil is first "It's not my fault, it's Thalia's she was the one who couldn't find her weapons, I was just waiting for her." I feel Nick looking at me but I keep fiddling with my widows bite to avoid eye contact.

The rest of the drive was rather quiet. After 20 minutes we arrive at the parking lot of the store. I look outside the window and see a woman in weird clothing standing in a telephone booth. Once Fury parked the car, we get out to talk the police agent who called us. After the agent explained what happened Fury and I walk towards to woman and Phil goes to destroyed store to collect some evidence.

"Excuse me miss, do you know anything about a lady who went through the roof of that Blockbuster over there? Witness says she was dressed for laser tag." Fury asks the blond woman. The woman looks unimpressed at him "Yeah, I think she went that way." she says while looking towards the direction she meant. She tries to walk away but I step in front of her.

"I'd like to ask you some questions. Could I see some identification, please?" I ask her while I show her my S.H.I.E.L.D. badge before Fury show his badge. She looks at me with no emotion "Vers, Kree Star Force. We don't carry identification on little cards." Vers tries to walk away again but this time Fury stops her. "Vers. Star Force..., how long are planning to be in town?" He asks her. "I'll be out of your hair as soon as I track down the Skrulls who are infiltrating your planet." She answers him.

"Skrulls?" Fury asks confused. "Shape-shifters. They can transform into any lifeform down to the DNA." Vers answers as if it is something normal. Fury looks at me not knowing what to think of it while I just shrug my shoulders. "You guys don't have a clue, do you?" She asks us and tries to walk away again. "Woah, woah, woah, hold on. How do we know you're not one of those... shape-shifters?" I ask.

She looks behind Fury to answer me "Congratulations agent Romanoff, you have finally asked a relevant question." I look at Fury while he said "Oh! Congratulations to you Star Force lady. You are under arrest." I turn the police officer who is standing a little behind us to signal that he can arrest Vers.

But before the agent walked forwards Vers shoot an blast at something that's on the roof and runs towards the building. Fury runs towards the car while I follow him. 

The space girl and the assassin ~ Captain Marvel/ The MarvelsWhere stories live. Discover now