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When the rest of the Kree found out we were trying to escape, they all decided to show up. Maria, Fury and most of the skrulls are already on the ship while I am helping a little skrull on the ship. Talos is walking behind me when I hear somebody scream. I look to were the sound came from and see Talos falling over in pain. "Maria, do you know if Carol is nearby?" I ask in a hurry. "I haven't seen her." She replies. "Alright, let's move on then. She will catch up with us." I speak up.   __________________________________________________________________________

"You all right, friend" Fury asks Talos who still is in pain after being shot. "Never... better" Talos replies. Minn-Erva is following the spaceship were the Skrulls are in, ready to shoot at any moment. "We've got a bogey. Coming in hot." Thalia announce to Maria who is flying the ship.

Maria fly through the landscape of cliffs while dodging the bullets Minn-Erva is shooting at the spaceship. Maria evades the bullets with ease and takes a shortcut, allowing her to be in front of Minn-Erva's pod and destroy it with blasts. "Ha ha!" Fury laughs at Minn-Erva's pod being destroyed.

But the laughter is not for long as Yon-Rogg attacks the Quadjet. "What the hell was that?" Thalia asks the group. The pod of Yon-Rogg crashes into the desert. A large spaceship arrives outside Earth's atmosphere.

On the spaceship Ronan is standing watching down to earth. "Deploy ballistic warheads." Ronan says while the spaceship launch the missiles towards Earth. Carol flies towards the missiles and manages to catch one with her hands and throwing it back, causing it to explode and destroying the rest of the warheads.

"That's impossible." The accuser says to Ronan, talking about Carol destroying there spaceships.

"C-53 doesn't have a defense system advanced enough to destroy our warheads." Ronan replies. "That's not their defense system, Ronan." The accusers replies back, indicating to the woman who is destroying everything. "Take her down." Ronan commands. The spaceships deploy several drones which start shooting at Carol. She avoids most of them and absorbs the energy of the blasts that hit her. She then proceeds to destroy all the drones and one of the Accusers' spaceship before flying in front of Ronan who is standing is his spaceship."Return to the jump point. We'll be back for the weapon." Ronan commands again. Knowing he will not win this fight against the superhero. "What about the core?" The accuser questions. Ronan answers "The woman." The spaceship retreat, and Carol returns to Earth, where Yonn-Rogg crashed.

"I'm so proud of you. You've come a long way since I found you that day by the lake. But can you keep your emotions in check long enough to take me on? Or will it get the better of you, as always? I always told you... you'll be ready, the day you can knock me down as yourself. This is that moment. This is that moment, Vers! Turn off the light show, and prove, prove to me, you can beat me without..." Yon-Rogg yells to Carol, who just landed in front of him. Carol doesn't waste minute and shoots Yon-Rogg with a small blast which sends him flying backwards and hits a rock. She walks over to where he is laying while he tries to crawl back. "I have nothing to prove to you." Carol says to him, no emotion hearable in her voice.

Carol reaches her hand out to Yon-Rogg and he takes it. She drags him across the desert, and puts him in the Kree pod in which he crashed. Carol enters coordinates on the computer. "Destination: Hala." The voice of the computer announces. "I can't go back empty-handed." Yon-Rogg says to Carol. Carol looks at him before saying. "You won't be empty-handed. I'm sending you with a message. Tell the Supreme Intelligence that I'm coming to end it. The war, the lies, all of it." Yon-Rogg looks up at Carol "You can't do this." He begs. Carol ignores him and starts the space pod, but it doesn't take off because of the damage. She fires a blast at the engine, and the space pod finally takes off.

*On the Quadjet*

"That was a close call, huh, Goosey? Huh? The bad guy's still in there somewhere..." Fury says to Goose, who was in his arms. Before Fury can react Goose scratches Fury's eye. "Oh! MOTHER FLERKEN!!!" Fury yells out. "You okay Nick?" Thalia asks, her eyes holding a concern about her co-worker. "Yeah. It's just a scratch." Fury replies. Talos looks over at Fury at sees the scratch that Goose made "No... It isn't." He comments.

The space girl and the assassin ~ Captain Marvel/ The MarvelsWhere stories live. Discover now