
387 20 0

published: 16-12-2022
edited: 8-5-2024

Thalias POV

While Vers was calling somebody I decide to find Fury because he has be gone for a while. I walk out around the corner and see Fury walking out of the elevator. "Where did you disappear to?" I ask while walking towards him. "The director and a few SHIELD agents are here."

"Vers!" Fury yells while we are running through an aisle of cabinets. I see the light at the end of the aisle turn on. I grab Fury by his arm and pull him in a random aisle. I hear the SWAT-team running through the aisles looking for us while we're still trying to find Vers. We walk through the aisle but when Fury turns around the corner I see him stop and the director holds a gun against his head. "Is it something I said?" The director asks. I throw an electric disk ( AN: like Natasha does in iron man 2) to him, buying us some time to escape.

Fury and I are running away, I look back to where the director was and see there a green man standing instead of the director. Agents are shooting at us so I quickly drawn my gun and shoot back while running, I easily shoot the agents down. Fury opens the door and holds it open for me, we keep running until we see a door opening that leads to the stairs. "You called them in?" Vers ask "My bad" Fury replies. We run up the stairs but quickly come to a stop when we see Coulson pointing his gun at us.

"Phil, please let us escape." I say in a whisper to him. "Coulson, you have eyes on them?" I hear an agent shouting form above us. "They're not down here. Let's try up there" He replies while lowering his gun. Vers and Fury walks through the door behind him. 'Thanks' I whisper while quickly following Fury and Vers. When I finally catch up with them we barricade the door behind us. Vers holds her hand out at Fury. "Your communicator. You obviously can't be trusted with it." Vers says.

"Why do I have to give you my communicator but Thalia doesn't?" Fury replies and gives his communicator to Vers. "Well, is she the one that sent a message?" Vers asks him sceptical. "Well, she was alone for a while who says that she didn't send it then?" Fury asks. "Do you really think she would believe that. Beside I was almost the whole time with her, we both know it was you Nick." I say to him while I keep an eye out for any agents. "I hoped she would believe it. Because of you know... your past" Fury says, whispering the last part hoping only I heard it.

I could see in the corner of my eye that Vers her attention was caught with this sentence. Hoping she wouldn't ask anything about it now or later. Something in me knew I could trust her with telling her about my past but I was scared. Scared because this is the first person who I trusted in a day or maybe even less. Scared because she is the first person who I think is rather pretty and who I genuinely want to get to know. So I wasn't sure if those things clouded my judgement.

"Let's go before they catch up on us." I say while I run away immediately ending the conversation that was happening.

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