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"You're staring" I say. " Oh I know." She answers, a small smile resting on her face. "Why?" "Because your beautiful." Carol says. "You think I'm beautiful?" I say with a smirk. "absolutely" Carol says while leaning towards me. Before I could do anything I felt her lips on mine.

Thalia's POV

After a few seconds I pull back, shock written on my face. "I wanted to do this the moment I met you." Carol confess. "Is that so?" I ask while I walk away, Carol lingering behind me.

---------------------------------------------------------------Time skip----------------------------------------------------

I wake up with a loud banging against the guest room that Maria gave me. "Wait a second!" I yell. I walk to the door and open it to see Nick standing there with a smile " Good Moring sunshine, it's bright and early so it's time to start our plan." He says a smile written on his face. " What's gotten into you, you're all smiley. Did somebody die?" I ask him, not being used to see him happy. "This morning I overheard Maria and Carol talk in the kitchen and guess what they were talking about." He says. " What?" I look up at him with a confuesed look on my face. " Well I heard Carol talking about that you two kissed last night."

"So what if we kissed. Why are you happy with that?" I ask him while turning my back to him straing out at the window.  "It means that somebody broke through that barrier that you made. You finally trusted a person that you actually fell for her." I turn my head to him 

"So because she kissed me, I fell for her?" I ask him while turning my gaze back outside where Carol is talking to Monica. "Don't play dumb, you might be able to hide other emotions but the stares you give her when you think nobody is watching says enough ." I finally turn to face him " Okay. So maybe I find her attractive and all but that doesn't mean that I will ask her out or something." "Why? Scared that she will judge you for your past?"

"It's not that that I'm scared for. I already told her about my past." "So what? What's the problem?" Before I can answer Nicks speaks up again. "Are you scared that she will reject you Thalia?" He asks teasingly.  "No i'm not scared for rejection Nick." I say before continuing.  "I'm scared that if I don't control my feelings and that we might end up together. That she will just leave me. I lost my parents and my sisters, I can't afford to lose anybody else." I  say while looking down to the hardwood floor "You won't lose her, trust me. Come on, we're about to leave." Fury assures.

----------------------------------------------------------time skip----------------------------------------------------------

The 5 of us are sitting in the plane that has been turned into a space ship. Maria and Carol are flying while I am seated next to Fury, who is holding Goose, and Talos is behind us.

"Passing 500 and climbing." Carol announces. "You know, you really shouldn't have that thing on your lap." Talos says while he looks at Fury who still has Goose on his lap. "Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. And as long as he continues to freak you out" He responds while he shoves Goose towards Talos' face "like that, yeah I'm gonna keep giving him all the love and hugs he needs, right?" Fury continues.

"Can I ask you something? Do you just turn into anything you want?" Maria asks Talos. "Ah well, I have to see it first." Talos responds. "Can you all do it?" She asks again. I look up, wanting to know the answer as well. "Physiologically, yeah. But it takes practice and, um, dare I say it, talent to do it well." Talos responds. "Can you turn into a cat?" Fury asks. "What's a cat?" Talos says, looking confused.

 I decide engage into the confersation aswell. "What about a filing cabinet?" I ask.  "Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?" He responds while he looks at me. In respond I shrug.  "A venus fly trap. I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a venus fly trap." Fury says, taking Talos attention of me and sighs annoyed at Fury's joke.

"Switching engines from Scramjet to fusion. Buckle up, folks." Carol announces. She pushes down a lever, causing the plane to suddenly gain altitude. 

"Hey. Is this normal, like space turbulence?" Fury asks concerned. "Pretty much." She replies with a smile while Talos just looks towards him and shakes his head.

"Locking in coordinate grid." Carol says while the plane stops gaining altitude. Maria is the first one to speak up "Where is it?" "It's here. It's gotta be here." Talos says looking outside.

"Well, is it in front of all that nothing, or behind it?" I ask. Carol starts swiping the computer. "Decloaking activated." A voice speaks up.  A bright light appears from the empty space and a massive laboratory becomes visible.

When the plane arrives by the laboratory we step out and walk towards a giant room. Goose goes to the reactor while Carol and Maria follows him. "Is that it? The core?" Maria asks. "In her notes, she called it the Tesseract." Carol says.

Carol reaches out and grabs the Tesseract from its position in the reactor. She then throws it in the air like a baseball and walks around the room, beginning to observe her surroundings

"Whoa. What was Lawson doing with all this kid stuff?" Maria asks. I look at my surroundings while my hand is placed on my gun which is located on my leg. "Guys. There somebody else her, be careful" I say while I look at the steaming cup of coffee. Suddenly Talos begins singing loudly. Out of nowhere a swarm of skrull appear from their hiding places. "Talos!" The skrull who runs to Talos says.

"He didn't come here for the Tesseract." Carol says while looking at Talos leans down to get a better look at the child that the other skrull called. "It's okay. We didn't know what to do. Mar-Vell warned us not to send a signal for any reason or the Kree would find us." The female skrull says to Talos. "You did the right thing." He responds. The female skrull looks up and sees us standing. She shoves the child behind her. "It's okay, it's okay. She's alright. She's a friend." Talos says.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." Carol says. "She led me to you." Talos explains to the skrull. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Carol says. I could hear the pain in her voice. Being lied to for years, not knowing who you really are, it hurts seeing Carol likes this so I take her hand hoping it would give some comfort. "Carol, this is war. My hands are filthy from it too. But we're here now. You found my family. This is just the beginning. There's thousands of us separated from each other... scattered throughout the galaxy." Talos says.

The younger skrull walks over to Carol and me. She points towards the pinball machine in the corner." Carol looks at me, wanting to know if I'm gonna follow her or not. I quickly shake my head and let go of Carols hand, feeling the coldness once I did. "If I played the same pinball machine for six years I'd have some high scores too." I hear Fury say. 

The space girl and the assassin ~ Captain Marvel/ The MarvelsWhere stories live. Discover now