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-AN: Sorry for the wait. I'm trying to figure out something for a future chapter I'm dreading to write so It's taking me a little bit longer to write the chapters I'm supposed to be publishing.


Once Carol and I arrive on Tarnax we immediately fly off the Dar-Benns ship to help Monica and Kamala. I see Dar-Benn fire something at Monica and Kamala but before it hit them Carol stands in front of them and uses her powers as a shield while I land next to Kamala in case something happens.

"You." Dar-Benn says once she sees Carol in front of us. Kamala gasps at seeing Carol but Carol quickly dismisses it. "Hold that thought." Carol days before she runs towards Dar-Benn. Kamala turns her towards me. "It's so cool meeting you. When I first saw you I didn't want to believe it was you. I mean you're one of the Avengers who fought for New York back in 2012. And.. I don't know... I always wished I had like the same skills as you and your sister. Soo..." Kamala rambles with her attention now focused on me. I decided to let Carol fight this alone knowing she can handle it.

Carol shoots a blast towards a Dar-Benn but she quickly absorbs Carols powers by the band on her wrist. I look over at Monica, silently saying we should help. "Kamala as lovely this conversation is. Is it possible to do it another time where we aren't in any danger?" I say to her while Monica and I get into a fighting stance. "Right ... Sorry." Kamala apologizes before joining us.

The Kree soldiers runs towards while Carol fights Dar-Benn. I use my powers to throw the soldier I'm fighting to the other side of the room. Before I can help Kamala who is next to me, the three uses there powers and switch places causing them to be disorientated for a second before the blast the soldiers away.

Dar-Benn looks at us before she quickly jumps out of the ship. "We gotta get that band off of her." Monica says to us. "It looks like mine." Kamala speaks up while she gets up from the floor. Monica, Carol and I quickly look at each other before running towards the end of the ship, jumping off to follow Dar-Benn. Once I hit the ground I look up, seeing Skrulls looking at us.

"Guys, I think Kamala is still on the ship." I announce once I realise I don't see the teen age girl by our side. "I'll get her." Carol says before flying to the Kree ships to get Kamala. "So you and Carol are still going strong?" Monicas asks trying to break to silence. "Mon, your poor attempt to break to silence is unnecessarily but yeah our marriage is still strong." I say to her while keeping an eye on my surrounding, not really interested in having a conversation.

 "Wait what. You guys are married and you never thought of mention that to me? How long?" Monica asks me shocked. "I thought Nick told you. And we got married a few months before the victims of the snap got resurrected." I explain to her. Before she can say another word Carol lands with Kamala by her side.

We stay silent once we see Dar-Benn walking in front of the Skrulls that were gathered around us. "The Kree came here hopeful that we could build a covenant of peace." Dar-Benn says while she keeps here eyes on the crowd. "What have you done?" The Skrulls leader says to Carol while he walks up to us. Before anybody of us can continue Dar-Benn speaks up again. "But then you sent the Annihilator on us. Like we're vermin. Once again, the Skrull have betrayed the Kree. And for that..." Dar-Benn yells before she opens a jump point with her band.

"Carol, we gotta get these people out of here." Monica says. "Emperor Dro'ge. You need to evacuate your people now" Carol says to the Skrulls leader who's still standing beside us. " We have nowhere to go." Before anybody can say something the noise from the jump point becomes louder.

Kamala, Monica and I are helping people into our ship while Carol bring people to us. One of the ships departs but quickly is pulled into the jump point. "Carol, the ships..." I yell to her while another ship departs and gets pulled towards the jump point. "They're not gonna make it." Kamla, who is standing by Carol now continues my sentence. "Get back to the ship and don't use your powers. Stay around Thalia, she will help you if needed." Carol commands Kamala.

"But I can help." Kamala replies. "Now." She orders before she flies off the push the ship out of the path of the jump point while Kamala runs to me. "Carol's right, stay here. We need to make sure your safe." I say to her gently, something that I'm normally don't do. Once I turn my back to her to help a Skrull on the ship, Kamala runs away. "Carol, just a heads up, Kamala's gonna do something stupid." I say to her through my comms. Before she can answer I see Kamala switching with Carol.

Carol quickly blast the falling rocks before she switch again with Kamala. I run to where Kamala is. "Kamala last time we say this. Go to the ship and don't use your powers. I'm gonna take a look if I can help Carol in any way." I say before running off. I make sure that Kamala heads to ship before I run further away. I run to a group of Skrulls that's about to be hit by stones. Before it can hit them I use my powers to throw the rocks to the side, quickly urging the Skrulls to run towards the ship.

Once I helped everybody around me I run back to the ship, making sure everybody around is safely in. A few seconds after I arrive Carol lands nearby. "Where's Kamala?" Carol ask. "I don't know, I sent her back here while I went to help some Skrulls." I answer while I look around trying to find the girl. "Kamala!" Monica yells once she sees the girl in the distance. Carol uses her powers to switch places.

"No!" Kamala exclaims when she saw that her surroundings changed. "Let's go, Let's go!" Monica yells out. "Kamala, come on!" I yell to her once I see she doesn't move. "All these people, they're gonna..." Kamala says while she watch the panicked Skrulls. "Come on, sweetie." Monica says while she tries to pull Kamala into the ship. "No, how can you just leave them there?" Kamala exclaims, still refuses to leave Tarnax. "Kamala, now!" Carol commands. "We need to save who we can." I explain to her in a much softer voice than Carol. Carol and I quickly run to the front of the ship before we fly off, leaving the chaos under us behind. 

The space girl and the assassin ~ Captain Marvel/ The MarvelsDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu