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AN: I'm not sure if I have said this in the beginning of this book but I changed the timeline a little bit. So Thalia got rescued from the red room in 2005 and Nat got out around the end of 2006. While Thalia was rescued by Phil, Nat was rescued by Clint. Because of the age difference of Carol and Thalia, I have to change it as well. So Thalia is 21 and Carol is 24. This books takes place in begin 2006.

Thalia's POV

"Hey do you have time?" Carol called to me after the car that Monica stepped in had driven away. "For what?" I ask. "Well, I know a beautiful place not far from here and you said a few hours ago that you would explain things. So I would like to take you to there and then you can explain," Carol responds. I stopped walking and turned my head to hear "Sure, lead the way".

We walked for 5minutes until we arrived at a little pond, the moon was shining on the water. I follow her and sit next to her by the edge of the pond. "So...." Carol began. I take a deep breath "Before I start explaining, please do not judge me. And...." "I won't, I promise" Carol says cutting me off. " I don't even know why I'm doing this but here we go."

"Well... let's say I have a very specific fighting skill, and until last year I didn't mind on who I used it. So when I was younger I was placed into a family together with my twin sister and another girl. We lived in Ohio until I was 14 year but one day my 'father' came home telling us thay we were going on a trip. Nat and I knew what was wrong. Once we got placed into that family we thought we were safe but we weren't. We got taken to the Red Room, which is a place where they train young girls to became assassins. Nat, Yelena and I always tried to stay together while we were there but one day I got send to take out a SHIELD agent but I failed. Instead I got captured by them and they gave me the choice to join SHIELD, that was begin 2005 so about a year ago. I had to leave my sisters behind. Once I became a SHIELD agent I tried looking for them but the Red Room had already moved." I explain.

"Do you still miss them? Your sisters and family." Carol asks with sympathy in her voice. "I do, I miss my sisters but the people who were supposed to be my parents betrayed me. I don't know what to feel about them" I say. "That's why you don't trust people that easily." Carol concluded. "Yeah"

"Either way, Nat and Yelena were always there for me in the red room and the moment they might needed me... I wasn't there for them." "Do you think they escaped?" Carol asks. "I don't know, I hope they did. But I'm not sure. I just wish there was a way I could help them."

There was a silence between us. It wasn't an awkward one, it was a comfortable one. I could see that Carol still had question but that she decided to not ask them. I turned my focus back on the pond, a few crickets were heard from behind us. After a few minutes I felt that Carol was staring at me. "You're staring" I say. " Oh I know." She answers, a small smile resting on her face. "Why?" "Because your beautiful." Carol says. "You think I'm beautiful?" I say with a smirk. "absolutely" Carol says while leaning towards me. Before I could do anything I felt her lips on mine.

The space girl and the assassin ~ Captain Marvel/ The MarvelsWhere stories live. Discover now