The past

362 17 0

published: 10-1-2023
edited: 8-5-2024

Thalias POV

Vers approaches a lady while Fury and I decides to stay behind. "Aunty Carol? Mom, it's aunty Carol! I knew it, everybody said you were dead but we knew they were lying." I hear a girl say while she jumps off the plane and runs to Vers and gives her a hug. I see Vers standing there awkwardly while the child gives her a hug. I want to help Vers out of the situation. "I'm not really who you think I am." I hear Vers say to the child.

The older woman and her child are sitting at the dining table, Vers and I are leaning against the counter and Fury is leaning against the wall. "That is the craziest shit I have ever heard." Maria says. "Green-transforming aliens? There's no such thing." Monica says. "You're absolutely right, young lady. There is no such thing. 'Cause if there were, we would want to keep it to ourselves" I reply to Monica while looking towards Carol accusingly. "You don't believe me?" Carol asks. Carol stands up from beside me and towards the stove. She puts one hand on the kettle and begins heating it up. "No way. That's so cool." Monica says while looking curious at the kettle that starts making a whistling noise. "Oh, ho. She can do a lot more than just make tea with those hands." Fury remarks. "Like what? Show us." Monica asks her aunt. "Maybe later" Carol responds while looking down at Monica.

"I kept all you stuff, I'll go get it." Monica says. "You want to give her a hand with that" Carol asks while looking at Fury. Fury follows Monica while I stand up to follow them as well. I feel a hand around my hand, "Can you stay here... please?" Carol says with a smile while looking at me. "Are you sure?" I ask. She nods as I look down and see that we are still holding hands. Luckily I'm looking down because I'm sure I'm blushing right now.

"You don't remember anything?" Maria asks , who was still sitting at the table. Carol leads me to the table while she still holds my hand. " I see... flashes. Little moments, but I can't tell what's real. If I could just piece together what happened that morning, maybe it'll all make sense?" Carol replies when she sits at the table while I stand behind her chair. "You woke me up, banging on my door at dawn. Your usual move. Back then we had to get up so early, the Air Force still wasn't letting women fly combat, so testing Lawson's planes was our only shot at doing something that mattered. And you wanted to race to base, in your old Mustang, and I wasn't about to argue, cause I knew my Camaro would dominate. But you cheated, took a shortcut." Maria explains. "Since when is a shortcut cheating?" Carol asks. "Since it violates the pre-determined rules of engagement." "I definitely don't remember those." "Mmm, of course you don't." Maria replies with a small laugh.

"When I got to the hanger, Lawson was agitated, she said 'she had lives to save'. She was trying to take the Aces up herself, but you said..." Maria explains before Carol cuts her off. "If there were lives at stake, I would fly the plane." Carol replies. "Yup. Big hero moment. The kind of moment we've both been waiting for. The Doc was always unique. That's why I liked her." Maria says. "I know this must be hard for you." Carol says with sympathy in her voice. "What, this part right here?" Maria says. "No, no. Know what's hard? Losing my best friend, in a mission so secret they act like it never even happened. Hard... is knowing you were out there somewhere, too damn stubborn to die. And now you come up in here after 6 years... with your super-charged fire-hands and you expect me to call you... I don't even know what... 'Vers'" Maria asks. "What do you call her Ms. Romanoff?" She asks while looking at me. "Well, I called her V. But I don't think that a nickname I could use anymore." I explain, keeping my eye focused on Carol. "Is that really who you are now?" Maria asks her best friend. "I don't know." Carol replies. "Come look." Monica says while she walks in.

I'm trying my best to get Thalia and Vers together at the end of this book, but I'm struggling with the fact that Thalia is trained in the Red Room and is not used having/ experience those kind of emotions and it feels like I'm trying to rush Carols and Thalias relationship/ friendship. Either way have a great day/ night 😊

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