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Thalia's POV

We're waiting for Maria to come inside the barn so that she can put the CD in the computer. I hear Monica say something to her mother but Maria quickly denied. Maria walks inside at puts the CD in the computer. "What's happening?" Carol asks. " It's loading". The loading bar that was on the computer before disappeared and the tape is almost loaded.

*On screen*

"Punch in the coordinates. 5229,-4,8.768, 0.2 ." The woman on the screen says. "Copy that. Where are we going Doc?" I hear Carol's voice on the tape say. " My laboratory." " Your laboratory? What do you mean?" " Oh no." " Is that ... Wait what is that? It's not showing up on my radar." " Go Carol. Fly!" "That's no MIG, Lawson. Who the hell are they?" " Those are the bad guys. Fly faster, now." Answered Lawson. "Yes, ma'am." Carol pushes a lever forward to fly faster but the plane behind them also speeds up. " What do they want?" Carol asks. "Me. My work. I never should have brought you along." "Here come some G's" Carol says choosing to ignore the other woman. " Bail out! Bail out! Bail out! Stay with me Lawson!" Carol yells as the plane begins to lose altitude. "Danvers, do you copy?" Maria asks. " Yeah. I copy. We hit ground." Vers explains to her. " Can anyone hear me?" Maria asks again. " Yeah. I copy! Doc?" Carol climbs out the plane and goes to Lawson. She removes Lawson's helmet " Your blood... it's blue." " Yeah, but, uh... how's my hair? Help me out." Vers helps her out of the plane.

" I have to destroy it before they get here." "What? Lawson?" "You remember what I said about our work here? What it's for?" Lawson asks. "To end wars?" Carol questions. "Yeah. But the wars are bigger than you know. Damn it! My name is not Lawson. My real name, is Mar-Vell and I come from a planet called Hala." "I would say that your delusional but we just got shot down by a spaceship and your blood is blue." "Listen, I spent half my life fighting a shameful war. Now skedaddle before you give me any more regrets. Just remember the coordinates, okay? You've got to save them without me." "Save who? How?" Lawson ignores her questions and instead pulls a gun out of her jacket. "I've got to blow this engine before they find it." She tries to shoot the plane but before she could a shot is heard and Lawson falls down. Carol reaches for Lawson's gun at point it toward the attacker who is standing by their ship.

"We have no interest in hurting you." The man says. ""No?! Because all the shooting kinda gave me the wrong impression!" "The energy core, where is it?" "Pararescue's on the way. You have two minutes until you're surrounded." "Then I see no reason to prolong this conversation." He draws his gun and point it towards Carol. "No wait. You mean that energy core?" sha asks while pointing with her gun towards to plane. When the man looks at the engine of the plane Carol shoots at it and the engine burst into flames. Both of the flew back by the impact if it. Around Carol is a bright blue glow. The man stands up and watches her from a distant. "Commander, she's still moving. Permission to fire?" Minn-Erva asks through his comms. "Hold your fire." He says while he walks towards Carol. "There's nothing left. The core has been destroyed." "She absorbed its power. She's coming with us."

*Present day*

"He lied to me." Carol says with a low voice while she walks outside and we follow her outside slowly. "Everything that I knew was a lie." She says. "Now you understand." Talos says.

"What? What do I understand now?" Carol questions. "Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. He killed her. Because she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war." He explains. "No. Your people are terrorists... that kill innocents. I saw the ruins on Torfa." She replies, already frustrated with him. "Ruins that the Accusers are responsible for. My people lived as refugees on Torfa. Homeless, ever since we resisted Kree rule and they destroyed our planet. Now the handful of us that are left, will be slaughtered next...unless you will help me finish what Mar-Vell started. The coordinates you found, would've powered a lightspeed ship capable of carrying us to safety. A new home, where the Kree can't reach us." He explains again. "Lawson always told us that her work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them." Maria says to Carol. "She wanted you to help us find the core." " Well, I already destroyed it." No, you destroyed the engine. The core that powered it is in a remote location. If you help us decode those coordinates, we can find it."

"You'll use it to destroy us. How do we know if we can trust you?" I ask him. "We just want a home. Vers and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. You try to hide it but you care about her. I can see it in your eyes." He replies while looking at me, he finally turn s to Carol who stands there a little shocked with wat he said. "Can't you see it now? You're not one of them." Talos says to Carol "You don't know me. You have no idea who I am. I don't even know who I am!" Carol says.

"You are Carol Danvers. You are the woman on that black box risking her life to do the right thing. My best friend... who supported me as a mother, and a pilot when no one else did. You're smart and funny, and a huge pain in the ass. And you are the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire from your fist. You hear me? You hear me?" Maria replies. She, Fury and Talos walks inside the house while Carol and I are outside. "You care about me?" Carol asks with a sly smile. "Surprisingly, I do." "Surprisingly?" " Yeah" "Okay..., Do you trust me?" "What?" "Do you trust me?" "I don't trust people but for you I'll make an exception." I say playfully. "Wow, I'm honoured." She jokes. " But if you don't mind me asking, why?" " My past." " What's so bad about it? I asked Nick before but he said I should ask you about it." "Well... My childhood isn't really something that makes me happy. But luckily I had my sisters, they mean everything to me." "You said there names where Yelena and Natasha, right?" "Yeah, but i haven't seen them in ages." "Why?" "Wow, you have a lot of questions, dont you? But I think we should go inside they're waiting for us." I say while waling away "But what if I tell you about it tonight? I want to talk to somebody about it that isn't Phil." I say while I slow my steps so Carol could catch up with me. " I would like that"

*inside the house*

"I know I don't deserve your trust but you were our only lead. We discovered that your energy signature matched Mar-Vell's core. Now, we know why. If only you knew, the importance of it to me. I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab." Talos says. "Those weren't coordinates. They're safe vectors. "Carol replies. "Orbital positioning and velocity." I say while looking at her. "You didn't find her lab on Earth, because it's not on Earth." Maria explains.

"That was the location on the day of the crash six years ago. If we track its course, we'll find it, in orbit, right now. "Carol says "It's just basic physics." Maria says while she looks at Talos. "In orbit? Was that so difficult to figure out? I mean, you're my science guy, right?" He asks the skrull that's beside him. The skrull looks down trying to avoid eye contact. "Yon-Rogg will catch up to you soon. We've got to get the core before he does." "You're going to space?" Fury questions while eating a sandwich. "In what?" I ask. "A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. I can handle the modifications." The skrull beside Talos replies. "Hmm. Your science guy."


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