
435 16 0

published: 2-12-2022
edited: 7-4-2024

Thalias POV

We are walking towards the record room while I see a cat sitting in the middle of the hallway. "Hey, there. How are you? Oh my goodness. Look at you, aren't you the cutest little thing." Fury says to the cat while petting it. Vers and I decide to ignore him and keep looking for the record room. We finally reach the door and Fury is still talking to the cat. "Aren't you cute? And what's your name, huh? What's your name? Goose, cool name for a cool cat." Fury says to the cat. "Nick." I yell to him trying to get his attention to us instead of Goose.

When Fury turns over his head to where we are standing Vers nod towards the door. " I'll be back" He quickly says to Goose and walks to the door. "Thalia, can you give me that piece of tape?" Fury questions. I take the piece of tape and give it to Fury. "Oh. Let me get the fingerprint out. Just let me unravel this puppy." He says to himself.

While Fury is unwrapping the piece of sticky tape Vers shoot an energy blast causing the lock to disappear. "You sat there and watch me play with tape? When all you had to do was pointing your hand to it?" I ask her with a serious tone. " Well, I didn't want to steal your thunder." Vers says while she shrugs. "How kind of you." I reply while rolling my eyes playfully. I follow Vers and Fury into the record room.

We walk into an aisle and look carefully at all the boxes until Vers speaks up. "Huh, Lawson." I walk over her while she pulls two boxes off the shelf. She hands one to Fury while she gives a few files of the second box to me. "Lawson's plan for the light-speed engine. I wonder why they terminated the project." Vers shows the plan to me. "Um, maybe because she's cuckoo." Fury replies.

Fury shows Vers a notebook covered in hieroglyphics. "Kree glyphs?" Vers says. "Hmm?" " Lawson is not cuckoo. She's Kree." "Well, she's dead." I announce to both Vers and Fury. "What?" Fury walks to and takes the file out of my hands. "She crashed the ASIS aircraft during an unauthorized test flight. Took a pilot down with her. That's why security here's so unfriendly. They're covering up a billion-dollar mistake. Oh, and your light-speed engine is toast." Fury explains.

"When did this crash happen?" Vers asks looking at us. "Six years ago, 2000." I reply. "Who was the pilot?" "Um, most of this thing's redacted but there is a testimonial here from a Maria Rambeau. Last person to see them both alive." I reply while Fury's pager begins to buzz. "You oke?" I ask Vers. "Mm-hmm." "Back in a minute." Fury announces.

Vers takes a file that is in Fury's box. She takes out a picture that was in the file "Hey Lia, can you come here please?". I walk over her and she shows me the picture. "Please don't call me that. But what's wrong?" I ask her. "Vers?" I ask her again when she doesn't answer me. I look at the picture that she is holding and see a woman standing in the back with a plane behind her.

"Wait, that's you!" I say while pointing to the woman on the picture. I look up and see Vers standing with no emotion in her face but I can see in her eyes that she is confused and a little bit sad. "Are you okay?" I ask, my voice is soft which took Vers and myself by surprise. She looks to me "Yeah I'm okay..." "You know you don't have to lie to me, right? We might know each other for a day but you can trust me. Beside hiding things for me doesn't really work because I know when people are lying." I say to her, still keeping my voice soft. " Strangely enough, I do trust you.." Vers says, keeping her eyes on the picture she's holding. "I'm gonna take a look where Fury is. Okay?" I say while walking towards the door.

-- Little time skip--

- 3th POV-

"I know Lawson was Kree. She was here on C-53 and died in a plane crash. Do you know anything about this?" Vers says to Yon-Rogg who was she was calling with. "I just discovered a mission report sent from C-53. There's only so much I'm cleared to tell you Vers, but Lawson was an undercover Kree operative named Mar-Vell. She was working on a unique energy core. Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war."

"Does it say anything about me?" She questions. "Anything about you? No, of course not. Why would it?" "I found evidence that I had a life here." "On C-53?" "Mar-Vell is who I see in the Supreme Intelligence. I knew her. And I knew her as Lawson." "This sounds like Skrull simulation Vers." "No it's not! Cause I remember I was here!" "Stop! Remember your training. Know your enemy. It could be you. Do not let your emotions undermine your judgment. We're nearing the jump-point. Leave your beacon on so I can find you. We'll get to the bottom of this Vers. Together." "Ok." Vers replies

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