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*October 17 2006, 8 months after the mission with Carol.*

The shield compound is pretty empty around this hour and only two woman were standing in the long hall talking about upcoming missions. "Maria, I hope you don't mind stealing Thalia away from you." Nick says, walking towards Thalia and Maria. "Gotta help the boss, see you later." Thalia says to her friend and quickly following after Nick.

Thalia's POV

Nick and I walk towards an interrogation room and go standing Infront of the window. I see a girl with red hair sitting there while clint is standing in the corner keeping an eye out to her. "Natalia" I whisper under my breath. "We finally found your sister after we realized she was sent to kill a SHIELD agent and sent Clint to get her. We're willing to let her join SHIELD because she's your sister and it would mean one assassin less after us. 'I will see what I can do Nick.' I say while walking to the door. When I'm in the room Nat looks up while Clint walks to me " You got it handled?" He asks " Yeah." I responds to him before he walks out of the room.

"Good to see you again, sister." Natasha says. 'Hi, Nat." I say, not knowing what I should say in this situation. "So after a year you decided to show up again after leaving me in the Red Room, I thought we were family, that we would be there for each other.' Nat says again clearly annoyed yet her face showed no emotion. 'I'm sorry. After agent Coulson rescued me and I gained their trust we were looking for the Red Room, for you" I say to her trying to explain what happened" "Who's they?" She asks while looking up at me. "S.H.I.E.L.D., the organisation I work for." I reply to her looking down shortly, realising that she was handcuffed to the table.

I walk to her while explain further. "We went to the location of the Red Room but once we arrived is was already abandoned." I was standing beside Natasha now. "So you left me for your own good" Natasha questions looking up at me. "No, we looked for months but we never found the new location of it." I reach for the key for the handcuffs that Clint gave me when he passed me and release Natasha. " You sure you would do that. Aren't you scared that I would kill you?" Natasha asks while looking in my eyes. "You might act like you hate me Nat but we are still sisters"

"Hurry up, Lia it's getting boring out here." I hear Clint say through my comms. Natasha is watching every move I make but I decide to ignore it. "Alright, I will ask." My finger touching the earpiece while responding him. "What do you need to ask?" Natasha asks me. "I'm here with an offer. You can leave the Red Room and come working for SHIELD. Helping the good instead of evil." I try to convince her. "Don't try to get my to your side who says it better than the red room.' She says.

"Nat, I had problems trusting them when I first joined. But because I choose to became a SHIELD agent I met somebody who makes me forget all of the bad things I did and makes me believe in love. Just think about it Nat." I say to her. " You fell in love with somebody?" She ask trying to light the mood, she may act like she hates the other woman but Thalia was right no matter what happened they're still sisters. "Yeah, I did, we started dating a few months ago. You will love her." I say to her forgetting why I was here again for a second. 

"Her? A girl?" She says a little smile on her face, happy that her sister finally accepted herself for liking woman. Both woman forgot what they had just discussed, both being happy seeing each other again forgetting everything that happened to them. "Lovely seeing Natasha acting nice towards somebody but like I said before It's boring out here, so can you please continue this family reunion later?" I hear Clint speak through my comms. "Right, so about the offer? What you gonna do?" I ask her again. After a few second of silence she speaks up. "I'm in." She says with a little smile visible on her face. 

The space girl and the assassin ~ Captain Marvel/ The MarvelsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin