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published: 11-11-2022
edited: 6-4-2024

Thalias POV

'Did you see her gun?" Fury asks while looking at Phil who was sitting next to him in the car. " I did not sir." Phil answers without emotions. Fury is driving the car while I keep an eye on Vers who is fighting a man on a train roof. "Train's heading for the tunnel up ahead." Phil says. Fury looks beside him where Phil sits " Let's greet them at the station."

"Mr. Fury, Thalia this is agent Coulson. I'm still here at the Blockbuster, and uh... where did everybody go? I've finished collecting evidence." I hear Phil say through my comms. I see 'Phil' point his weapon towards Fury, he struggles to take the gun from the skrull but the skull is already trying to choke him. I try to shoot 'Phil' but missis his head because he ducked right in time before the bullet hit him.

"Nick, there's a bus coming" I yell at him hoping he understands what I mean. Fury turns the car so that it crashes into the bus. I look at the passenger's seat and see a green man sitting where Phil previously sat. I step out of the car while Fury takes of his jacket to cover up the skrull. "Official S.H.I.E.L.D. activity. Stay back." I say to the people around us.

While I go back to my room in the HQ, Fury goes to the laboratory to ask more details about the Skrull who took Phils place.

- Pancho's Bar-

Vers is looking at pictures that are hanging on the wall while Fury and I are hiding. "What can I get Ya?" the bartender asks. Vers turns around so that she looks directly to the bartender, "Where was this photograph taken?" "At the airport?" He responds. "Where's Pegasus?" She asks again.

"Well, that's classified. Not unlike the file we started on you." Fury answers walking out of our hiding spot. Vers looks at him with a confused look, "Where's your little companion?" I see Fury looking behind him so I decide that I it's time that I come out of the shadows.

"Caring for me already? Wow I'm honoured" I say to Vers with a taunting small on my face . "Anyway" Fury says clearly annoyed with us. "I see you changed it up a bit since our last encounter. Grunge is a good look for you." Vers turns her attention towards Fury " Did you have a rough day, Agent Fury?" "It's cool, you know, space invasion, big car chase, got to watch an alien autopsy. Typical 9 to 5." Fury responds acting like those events are on daily basis. " So, you saw one?" She questioned us. "I was never one to believe in aliens but now I can't unsee that." he casually answers.

"This is gonna get a little awkward but I gotta ask." She asks him. " You think we're one of those green things?" I ask her. "Can't be too careful." Vers replied. "You are looking at a 100 percent red-blooded earthman." Fury answers. Carol looks to me. "What about you Agent Romanoff, are you one of them?" I look at her with a confused face. "I have been all the time by Nicks side, how is it possible that I'm one of them?"

I see him looking at me with a small smile. "Vers right. Are you the real Thalia?" "Seriously, is that's how you wanna play it?" I rolled my eyes at him. "Well either way, I'm afraid I'm gonna need proof." Vers says while she changed her attention back to Fury. "We talking about cheek swab or urine sample?" "No, the DNA would match." Vers respond plainly. "Well, my AOL password?" Fury tries answering again. "Skrulls can only assume recent memories of their host bodies." She responds. Fury looks at her with an amusing look on his face "Oh oh, you wanna get personal?"

They walked toward a table, Vers sits down while Fury turns around and see that I'm not following so he signs to me that I need to follow. Once I sit down next to Fury Vers starts asking questions.

V: Where were you born?

F: Huntsville, Alabama. But technically I don't remember that part.

V: Name of your first pet.

F: Mr. Snuffers.

V: Mr. Snuffers?

F: That's what I said. Did I pass?

V: Not yet. First job?

F: Soldier, straight out of high school. Got the ranks of full breed Colonel.

V: And then?

F: Spy.

V: Where?

F: It was the Cold War, we were everywhere. Uh... Belfast, Bucharest, Belgrade, Budapest.

V: Now?

F: Been riding a desk for the past few years, trying to figure out where our future enemies are coming from. Never occurred to me that they'd be coming from above.

V: Name a detail so bizarre a Skrull could never fabricate it.

F: If toast is cut diagonally, I can't eat it. You didn't need that did you?

V: No. No, I didn't. But I enjoyed it.

F: Ok. Your turn. Prove you're not a Skrull.

I see Vers standing up and aiming towards the juke box while she shoots something.

F: And how is that supposed to prove to us that you're not a Skrull?

V: It's a photon blast.

T: And...?

V: A Skrull can't do that.

"Well now that we proved that we're not one of those Skrulls. What do you want from us Vers?" I ask her.

V: Not so fast, we both went but you didn't so.... Where were you born?

T: Russia

V: Which school did you go to?

T: A ballet school in Russia.

V: Name of the school?

T: No idea, forgot through the years.

V: Siblings name?

T: Natalia and Yelena

V: First job?

T: Being a SHIELD agent. Are we done?

V: No need to become so defensive but sure we're done.

I stand up and walk out of the bar. Ignoring the looks Fury and Vers are sending me.


"What's up with her? She became so defensive in such a short time. Did I say something wrong?" Vers asks Fury, feeling worried she might hurt the girl who Vers genuinely wanted to know more about.. "She doesn't like to talk about her past. It's best you ignore it, she will act normal soon." Fury explains to her before he walks outside with Vers trailing behind him.

Before Fury and Vers step in the car where Thalia is waiting for them, Vers speaks up again. "Do you know what happened to her?" Vers asks. "Yeah I do. But if you wanna know you just gotta wait till she ready to tell you. Which could take a long time or if your lucky and she likes you than you'll find out soon." Fury says looking at Vers whose deep in thought. "Come on we'll bring you to Pegasus." Fury says before he steps in the car.

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