rich bish (requested)

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"Why am I not allowed to look? You've never hidden any of your projects from me like this." You said as you carefully walked with Jennie right behind you.

She was guiding you with every step you took since you can't see on your own right now because her hands are covering your eyes.

"Yeah, that's true. But this is different from anything I've ever done before. I built something amazing with a huge company and I want to surprise you with it."

You had no idea what this thing was.

Jennie refused to give you even one single hint, though you begged her to tell you something, anything, about it.

She keeps standing her ground because she knows that your reaction is going to be priceless.

"Okay, just a couple more steps. One, two, stop," She instructed and halted behind you as your feet stopped moving.

"Can I look now?"

Taking one more look at her newest project, she uncovered your eyes and stepped beside you so she didn't miss your reaction.


You opened your eyes and as soon as you saw what was in front of you, they went so wide they nearly popped out.

"Jennie... is this a Porsche?"

You couldn't believe it.

You shouldn't be surprised at all that your girlfriend would eventually build something like this with such a famous and expensive brand.

Nonetheless, it was unexpected.

"Yes! What do you think of it?"

"It's pretty."

"Look inside." She smiled but you just looked at her hesitantly.

"I don't know, Jen. It's so expensive, I'm afraid to touch it."

She rolled her eyes at you before opening the door for you.

"Get inside it. It's so comfortable!"

You hesitated once more, looking down at your shoes to make sure they weren't dirty, which only made Jennie groan.

"Stop it! Don't worry about anything, it's fine. Just get in."

You did as she said and got into the passenger seat.

It felt so comfortable and the seats felt so smooth against your fingertips.

It was honestly fancier than anything you'd ever seen before.

You never imagined you'd be sitting in a Porsche, especially not one that your girlfriend built with the brand.

But here you are now, realizing just how lucky you were and how surprising yet amazing life is.

"Do you like it?"

"It's incredible."

"I love all the details and the color and, well, everything about it!" She gleefully said. "We're going to have a lot of fun in this car. We'll have some amazing nights and see some amazing sights in it. It's going to be spectacular."

You shook your head with a smile, causing her eyebrows to furrow.


"Nothing. You're just such a rich bish."

She giggled before leaning into the car to kiss your lips.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you're doing things like this. You are just so amazing, baby. You deserve something as extravagant and as special as this."

"Thank you, darling." She smiled brightly before looking at her car proudly.

Grabbing the keys from her pocket, she dangled them in her hand with a smirk.

"Wanna drive?"

"No." You quickly said. "I'm too afraid to do that right now. But I wouldn't mind going for a drive with you."

"Okay, my love." She smiled and kissed you once more before she got into the driver's seat, ready for a drive with her favorite girl in her new Porsche.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now