she watches your game (requested)

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"Are you nervous?" Jennie asked as she watched you stare out at the crowd of people in attendance.

"Extremely." You replied with a shaky breath.

"Why, baby?" Jennie frowned as she stroked your cheek softly. "You're going to do so great."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, absolutely! I know you've got this." She said with a sweet smile. "Don't be nervous. You're going to crush it out there."

You took a deep breath and then gave her a quick kiss before you went and stood on the gym floor.

Jennie took her seat next to the girls in the very front row and started to cheer loudly for you and you just sent her a bright smile, appreciating the encouragement.

"Go, Y/N!" Jisoo cheered along with Jennie, making Lisa and Rosie do the same.

The whistle was blown and the volleyball game began.

You're part of the national team for women's volleyball and it's such a dream come true when you get to do games like these.

And it's even more amazing when you have Jennie and the girls in the audience as it makes you feel more confident and more capable.

You began the game and poured your all into every hit and every time you scored, the crowd seemed to go crazy.

But no one's cheers were louder than Jennie's, although the girls were pretty loud, as well.

"Come on, baby! You can do it!" Jennie cheered.

"That's your girlfriend?" One of the other girls on your team asked.

"Yeah." Your replied with a chuckle.

"Cute." They smiled. "She's so proud of you. Keep it up!"

You continued to do your best and it all seemed to pay off well because, though your other teammates did well too, you never missed a hit.

The other team could barely keep up, at times even struggling to get the ball over the net.

You stayed on your feet and kept your focus, though you will admit that you couldn't hold back the grin that Jennie's support and cheers made appear on your face.

"Go, Y/N! You've got it!" You heard Jennie say.

The score was twenty-four to twenty-three with your team in the lead.

You only needed one more point to win the game.

"We've got this, girls! Come on, we can do it." Your teammates encouragd.

You looked out at the crowd and spotted the girls, your eyes instantly falling on Jennie.

"You've got this." She smiled.

You took a deep breath and hit the ball once more and though the other team tried to block it, they didn't succeed.

The buzzer sounded and the game came to an end as your team was considered the winner.

You and your teammates quickly began to jump up and down excitedly as you all screamed in excitement.

"We did it! We won!" You heard one of your teammates say.

You pulled away from them and ran over to Jennie, leaping into her arms as she squeezed you tight.

"Good job, baby! You won!" She proudly said.

"We knew you would." Rosie grinned.

"Good job, Y/N!" Lisa said as she clapped and waited patiently to hug you as Jennie continued to hold you tight.

"I'm so proud of you." She smiled as you pulled back.

"How about we go out for ice cream? To celebrate." Jisoo suggested.

"I'd love that." You smiled and gave the girls a huge hug before you went back to your teammates for a minute.

And the girls just watched Jennie as she watched you from across the room and smiled from ear to ear, so proud of you that words wouldn't ever be enough to express it.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now